2 Timothy Chapter 1
Paul opens the epistle with an allusion once again to the Holy Trinity; Paul, an apostle (by the Holy Spirit) of Jesus Christ by the will of God (The Father) - as according to the eternal life ministered in earnest by the same Holy Spirit (v1) as found in Jesus Christ. Paul writes to Timothy, as to His much loved son in the one faith, with a second allusion to the trinity, of grace (the Spirit) mercy (The Father) and peace (as of The Son's sure example) - a sign of the closeness in the truth of the gospel between them. (v2)
Paul is thankful to God whom he has pursued from his youth up that with a clean conscience he has remembered Timothy in his prayers without ceasing. (v3) Having a desire to see him again that he may be glad (v4) Paul is convinced that the same genuine faith is present in Timothy as had been displayed by Timothy's grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. (v5) So Paul calls Timothy to stir up the gift given him by the laying on of his hands (perhaps revelation?) For God has given us a spirit of truth in power out of His love for us as His people - to a sound mind in sound doctrine. (v7) The gift could well be revelation, as Paul exhorts Timothy to not be ashamed at the testimony of the Lord, nor of Paul his prisoner, whom writes his wishes for Paul's (his own) thoughts to be considered by Timothy (in receipt from God) with his gift. (v8) So that Timothy could partake of the benefit of Paul's meditations during his imprisonment.
Those thoughts of Paul are of the saving grace of God with His calling, not according to the works of man, but according to God's purpose which was fulfilled, and the mystery confirmed in Jesus Christ since before the world began. (v9) The purpose of God made truly manifest by the coming of the saviour Christ, who has given the gift of eternal life to them that believe, and has revealed the purpose for which the grace was given; to the greater abundance of glory by thanksgiving to God for His increasing perfection towards His people in increasing closeness. (v10) This mystery and gospel for which Paul is himself now a prisoner in Rome. (v11) (As a teacher to the gentiles) Paul is not ashamed to suffer such bonds, (or revelations - since he knows of whom these revelations are spoken) and Paul trusts in the Lord that He is able to perform all that has been revealed to Paul in or before the day of His second coming. (v12)
Paul entreats Timothy to hold fast the form of sound words which Paul has spoken from God's ministry, both of the gospel and of the mystery of God. (keeping sound doctrine) (v13) Paul asks that the good thing committed unto Timothy be kept by the Holy Spirit which dwells in them both. - This is both towards Timothy's commission at Ephesus as well as the revelations upon which Paul wishes Timothy to consider. (v14)
Paul asserts that many have left Paul to his imprisonment alone - particularly all those from Asia (Phygellus, Hermogenes) (v15) Paul blesses one Onesiphorus whom has shown him much care without shame for Paul's bonds, (v16) when he visited seeking Paul in Rome he found him (v17) - Paul prays that he be given the grace to receive eternal life at the coming of Christ, for he had helped in many things when Paul was at Ephesus, as Timothy witnessed. (v18)
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