
Galatians Chapter 3

Paul expounds in this chapter on how to answer the influence amongst them that would have them turn backwards to the keeping of the law by works only, without the justification of faith under grace.

Paul calls the galatians foolish for not standing firm in the gospel of obedience to truth. They have had the gospel preached fully and evidently before them. (v1) Paul asks them one thing - Whether they received the grace of God in the sealing of the Holy Spirit by works of the law, or by the communication of faith. (v2) He asks why they are so foolish as to turn to the keeping of the law instead of rather staying put firmly within the ministrations of the same Holy Spirit. (v3) They have suffered so many things in training and refining through the gospel, that it would seem worthless if they received it in vain. (v4)

God, who both through the correction by the Spirit as well as by ministering to their needs by miracles does not do so to reward the works by the law, but to commend the same faith of the gospel to them, in edification. He does these works to confirm the gospel so that it is learned when it is communicated. (v5) When God does this, he does so imputing righteousness to the believer for their faith as had Abraham. (v6) So all that are of correct faith in God have righteousness imputed to them before God, and are the children of Abraham in faith. (v7)

The scripture itself, shows that God would justify men by faith by the same imputing of righteousness as to Abraham's example (v8) So all with faith are counted blessed likewise. (v10) The law carries a curse to all who break it, (v11) but no man is justified for keeping the law, but only justified wholly fulfilling the law, with faith. (v12) The law itself is not a law of faith, but the law is made for man to stay within the law, aside from faith.

Christ through bringing (mediating) the gospel and a new covenant of grace has replaced this curse of sin by the law into another curse with better promises. Christ requires our repentance under grace; but repentance all the same. We will have to display that we can stay in the truth of the gospel and God's refining work upon us or else feel the severity of being removed from His people. In this way we have an obligation to enter inside His elect in the narrowest fashion to eternal life, but yet under grace. (v13) Also, how can the gentiles not be saved standing apart from the law, if Christ Himself was cursed as under the law? (Hung on a tree) Yet Christ is blameless, therefore those under the law themselves are free from the law as evidenced by the resurrection.

This way, the blessing to Abraham by his faith may come upon all , even eternal life by grace and not just to the jews only - but to all. (v14) Paul puts in worldly language that even in an agreement between men, when one fulfils his part then the other is due to fulfil his own; not adding upon the contract i.e. or to cancel or add requirement. (v15) Paul would allude that remaining correct and remaining obedient in faith is a requirement that covers a multitude of sins. The law not being of immediate requirement, but eventual under grace. Fear the Lord.

Now, the promises of God made to Abraham were made through him to the person who would fulfil his obligation his end. (That is to say Christ Himself). As the seed of Abraham; Jesus Christ is the perfecter - and is referred to as Abraham's seed (singular, not plural). The law, coming some 430 years after Abraham can not nullify this promise, because it was given according to the purposes of God, by God Himself. (v17) If the gift due the promise of God to Abraham's seed were of the law only it is conditional, but Christ is perfect. The fulfilment by Christ of the law as come after the promise is not conditional. For then the promise would be nullified. (v18) Because the promise is to be given to Abraham's seed (Christ), the purpose of the law is to the seed, not the seed to the law. So therefore Jesus is the purpose of the law for His people.

So the purpose the law had towards the promise of God served to show the imperfection of man, so when the seed of Abraham (Christ) came we would see the perfect to whom the promise was made. The law was given by messengers of God through a mediator (Moses). (v19) Now, a mediator is not a one sided position where God speaks only to Himself, rather through the mediator to a people. (v20) So the law, being given through a mediator to His people is not a promise made only from God to God (as Christ, Abraham's seed). But through Christ to us also.

The law then is not against the promise of God to His people, for God would have given life by the law if it were perfect to do so to those condemned by it. (v21) For all have sinned and fallen short. (v22) So that when the seed Jesus Christ came, righteousness by faith might be given them that believe. They will be His people. Christ speaks the truth.

Before the faith of Christ was shown, men were kept under the law, shut up to faith, not having known the righteousness of correct faith (as from Christ who knew the Father) with which to be justified by. (v23) For when Christ came and fulfilled the law we should recognise the one who lives with perfect faith; that we might believe also. (v24) But now he is come, we are not under the law because we have recognised our God Jesus; and by faith we have the righteousness imputed, as we are counted as (for) the seed of Abraham.(v25). And by the new covenant of grace, rather than by the works of the law.

All disobedience is a matter of imperfect faith - or by the certain words, of improper fear of God. That Christ showed a perfect example means it is possible to live so. He came to show obedience as a man, not as a God as satan would have tempted him to do so. In truth, we can all conform to live as Jesus does - and grace is extended to filter out those of His elect or chosen from all other men and they are counted for the seed. The grace is extended due our faith and fear; therefore righteousness comes by accepting truth, and fearing God rather than works of the law.

The children of God after Christ's example are those then who acknowledge Him and share His faith. (v26) For as many as are sealed with the Holy Spirit have accepted the grace of Christ and Christ's burden to be obedient - with His faith. (v27) Therefore our faith has been clothed with His righteousness that we should be heirs to the promise also. There is no preference of race, standing, man or woman in the promise of God that we be heirs; (v28) for If you are elected by grace, we are heirs indeed and apart from the works of the law as was also Abraham to whom the promises were given (v29)

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