1 Timothy Chapter 6
Paul gives Timothy commandment over how to instruct others in proper service; whether they be slaves or masters. If the former, that they serve as serving Christ; that the gospel be not slandered and God blasphemed amongst unbelievers. (v1) If slaves have believing masters, let them serve not out of spite for their belief, because they are indeed brethren. To then serve them honestly because they are called by the election of grace also. (v2)
Paul instructs that if any man teach otherwise and does not consent to correct doctrine on any matter concerning godly behaviour (v3) then that man is taken in pride, not knowing the basics of service to God, but worrying over strife and contentious practices, envy - expectation of hardship where there should be none. (v4) These lines of argument are perverse, not according to the grace shown by God, having no place in truth; supposing that monetary gain is godliness - Paul commands Timothy to separate himself from such false teachers. (v5) Paul asserts that contentment in godly behaviour is greatly to be desired. (v6) For we are born naked and leave penniless in death (v7) so if we have sustenance in life and clothing, we should be content. (v8) (No man sustains another to punish him for godly behaviour justly, and if so, then a reward is due of God for patience in so suffering it.)
They that are lusting after wealth often fall into temptation because it waits to trap them within, drowning such malcontents with destruction and sin. (v9) Paul iterates Christ's saying that the love of money is the root of all evil; while men covet riches of others they err from the true faith that teaches them the world hated Christ first whom had nowhere to lay his head, and shoot themselves in the foot; seeking to be justified outside the example of Christ. (v10) Paul commands Timothy, as a man of God to flee all these earthly lusts to wealth, to follow instead treasures without cost; righteousness etc, and the fruits of the Spirit. (v11) For eternal life is a free gift: but the believer himself is purchased with a cost - the life of Christ. So let fear then restrain the believer within the gospel in repentance, under grace in the eternal life given (as in earnest in the Holy Spirit), by the election of grace, as he has continued in doing so far - before many who can attest to it. (v12)
Paul charges Timothy before God who raised Christ from the dead and showed him blameless before the seat of man's power (v13) that this commandment not to covet be kept without spot. (For Timothy is strictly instructed not to covet for gain in recompense for the teaching of the gospel in Ephesus, as after the example of Paul. Whom as before all, charged none he was with for the gospel at any time. That Timothy remain so blameless until the day of the resurrectrion when Jesus Christ will be revealed as the King on the seat of power that is over the whole earth and all the wealth of every throne. (v15) That Christ is God, being the only true King whom has the truest wealth of immortality, dwelling in the truth that no man can approach to for lack of righteousness, that no man has understood or can therefore understand, to whom is all honour and the only power everlasting (v16) This immortality and truth is the ransom given for all mentioned in chapter 2 verse 6. None could approach God but Christ, therefore He gave Himself and satisfied all these things for the Father by obedience to Him. Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
Paul warns Timothy to instruct they that are rich that they not act in a lofty manner, nor trust only in their riches, but in God whose giving is in things that are lasting and of true wealth. (v17) Not as the passing momentary things that earthly wealth can be used to receive. But yet that they do good, that they be rich in good works - ready to give freely and fairly. (v18) Saving up a good conscience for the life eternal to come, that they may with certainty not grieve the ministrations of the Holy Spirit. (v19)
Paul beseeches Timothy to keep the ministry of Paul (freely offered, freely given) that he has committed to him in trust at Ephesus, avoiding false teaching, remnants of cultish behaviour, old wives tales and vain philosophies that engender more questions than they answer; whether they be called philosophies, they have no root in the gospel as doctrine. (v20) Those who have taught such have therefore erred in their faith. Paul lastly blesses Timothy with the grace of God and closes the letter. (v21)
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