1 John Chapter 1
John writes of the new covenant as testated by Jesus, from the beginning of His ministry, having seen Jesus, looked upon Him (examined Him) and handled Him as when resurrected, bodily. (v1) Confirming that He was indeed resurrected and was physically present with them, confirmation of eternal life in the new covenant. (v2) - Proof of the validity of the new covenant of grace to all men that Jesus mediated with the Father's blessing.
John testifies that this is the truth which he and the other apostles have taught the believers that they might also believe with them, sure in the knowledge that this is the same fellowship of faith agreeing with the Father and the Son. (v3) John writes of these truths so that the believers might have joy in their new liberty under grace. (v4)
John then affrims that the message of truth in Jesus Christ is just that - truth (light) and there is no lie (darkness) in any of the Father's words which Jesus spoke in His ministry. If believers then say that they have the truth of the gospel and fellowship with Christ yet lie with a different gospel, or continue sinning as to make their behaviour a lie of their faith (that God is mocked, and that grace is frustrated) then the faith of the man is a lie, and the act of the man is not in accordance with the truth of Christ's words. (v6)
But as John puts it,. walking in the light as Christ also walked in the light (truth) of the Father's words, then believers have fellowship one with another and with the Father and the Son, and the grace of God by Jesus' testament and the complete example of His obedience cleanses all believers from sin. (v7)
Aside for a moment,
Walking in the truth, one has to also consider obedience to God's law. In repenting and not frustrating the grace of God, but obeying the calling and the ministrations of the Holy Spirit - being predestined into eternal life for the purpose of being brought into obedience, a believer does indeed walk in the light. One must admit that God is at liberty, since His ways are higher than our ways. Then one states that all believers must strive to be obedient, or they make God into another God. Therefore we walk in the light, or our faith is a lie because it puts "darkness" into the person of God. (and the example of Christ)
We can state this with the existence of a "G v p" statement, that engenders that God is not at complete liberty over the believer. The predestination of eternal life given to the believer and the gift in earnest of the Holy Spirit to the believer is to minister to the believer to bring him into all obedience is an eternal inheritance; and it is better for God to give this at the completion of Christ's ministry when it was first justified.
The death of Christ on the cross proved once and for all that it is possible for a man to be perfect according to the law and to obey God. There is therefore in Jesus Christ not only perfect faith but behaviour, and His words of grace are justified by His resurrection, else God would not have raised Him. In giving a perfect example and mediating new grace all men can attain perfect behaviour and stand before God. For faith upon Christ we are imputed righteousness enough to be given the Holy Spirit, and that grace that predestines us through His ministry is evidence we are cleansed from all sin.
Continuing on;
If we say we have not sinned, we are deceived; for Christ alone was blameless before God; yet John states more than this, that men have need of the Holy Spirit and His ministrations. We must be obedient rather than negligent, as we have not known the Father but by the example of Christ - and we are not justified to inherit eternal life if we do not reform ourselves as we must to merit our predestination. (v8) If we confess we are sinners to God and believe on Christ, we are able to be forgiven and the Holy Spirit will reform us - in effect, cleansing us from unrighteousness. (v9)
If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar and the Holy Spirit given us a liar - for it would not be given us if we were totally Holy - we would not need it, we would be perfect and would be as God Himself, because sin is as much a lack of knowledge of the Father's present will for us as it is His wish for us to be obedient to His law. In order to be perfect; we would have to know the Father as Christ had in the beginning, which is evidence of the lie of a man who says he has not sinned.
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