
1 Timothy Chapter 4

Paul teaches Timothy that in later times (not the last days, but of later) some fellowships will depart from the liberty of the gospel to false systems of requirements not of God's authorship, but of their own, this being the work of satan. (v1) Teaching lies whilst knowing them to be false, having their minds burned with the condemnation of the Holy Spirit. (v2) Forbidding bishops and overseers to marry, to forbid them from eating clean meats, which are acceptable under the law. (v3) For all creatures of God are good to eat if it be acceptable under the grace of God. (v4) For God has sanctified it both by His law and the prayers of thanks over them. (v5)

If Timothy were to put the brethren in mind of these requirements, of the law and of the conscience by the Holy Spirit, he will become a good and faithful minister of the gospel in Jesus Christ stood firmly in the truth. (v6) Paul exhorts him to have no argument concerning baseless superstition and the relics of cultish teaching, but to purpose himself towards the example of Christ in fulfilling the law of God. (v7) For physical exercise doesn't compare in reward to the reward of godliness when it is attained through its exercise - to the purpose that it edifies and confirms in the believer the given eternal life, which is by the Holy Spirit in earnest even at the present time, before the life to come. (v8) (It is more perfect for God to extend this sealing to His elect. It abounds towards His glory in greater thanksgiving.) This is a sure saying - under extension of perfection for a saving God whose kingdom is here. (v9)

For eternal life the apostles of Christ work hard, and are opposed everywhere (primarily by jews, provoked to jealousy at the grafting in to Israel of the gentiles.) because the apostles trust in the living god; (not of systems of belief, but the real creator), Father of all, who saves according to the requirement of His elect - it is better for Him to have a people that will glorify Him than it is for Him to destroy all sinners and lose a people. (v10) Paul commands Timothy to command and teach bishops and overseers to do likewise, to work for the gospel and trust in God. (v11) Let no overseer in Ephesus take him for granted because of his young age - Paul instructs him to be an example to them all, in teaching, in behaviour, in edifying others, in humility, faith and purity. (v12)

Until Paul arrives, he instructs Timothy to study and work for his own correction in doctrine (even as from others) . (v13) To practice every opportunity to use the gift (of revelation? - from context) given Him by prophesy with the laying on of hands by Paul's company. (v14) Consider these things, devoting all his time to them, that His profiting may appear to all. - So that the gospel and the mystery of God is further known, and his example is shown to be favoured by God. (v15) Paul commands him to pay attention to himself in the gospel's teachings, to continue in them. To profit himself and those that are taught by him - which is the real mystery of God. - Christ in us, the hope of glory (we are glorified with Him as heirs, through the ever closer movements of the Godhead towards us, His people through Jesus Christ, whose name is above all other names.)

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