2 John
John opens with greetings, stating he charitably loves (values) the lady who is the recipient of this letter in truth - that he is ministering to the lady in the gospel. (v1) Along with all who know the truth of the gospel - the implication is that all the believers are one body, that all minister to all. (v2) Blessing her with grace, mercy from God and peace - that her sins be covered, God will save her and she will be confident in that salvation. (v3) (Knowing it in the gospel from God)
John is overjoyed that her fellowship and her converts are strong in the faith of the gospel and obey it - even as it was given by God to the brethren. (v4) John encourages them all to love each other - which is the golden rule. That they minister one to another in service of the gospel, (v5) and preserve the keeping of the commandments of Christ and God. As the faith was received in the beginning it should be kept - and that it should be put into action in edifying one another with the true gospel. (v6)
John writes that many deceivers are teaching different gospels. Stating that they do not preach Jesus who fulfilled the law, was perfect in obedience and is resurrected, but more so that Jesus was not human, born as a man to be obedient as a man to be a perfect example to us to justify the grace given us by God. (v7) Such false teaching is antichrist, having another christ in place of the true Christ.
John commands them to keep the true faith amongst themselves with diligence. (v8) So that those good works of spreading the gospel are not tainted with false teaching and lost altogether - so that in keeping the true gospel they might be assured of their salvation.
He states that any man who taints his teaching with falsehood transgresses and doesnt have the true faith - and does not believe in the one God. In abiding in the doctrine that is correct, a believer has faith in the one true God as well as the correct Christ. (v9) If any man teaches different doctrine - that the law is not fulfilled and Christ was human, winning our grace testated by Him and shown to be resurrected victorious - then John commands the listeners not to accept him into their fellowship (house) and not to give him sustenance or money for travel (bid him godspeed). (v10) For in giving him that which he requires to spread his false doctrine further makes the giver guilty of supporting false teaching also.(v11)
John tells the lady He has much to write of, but will come in person soon to speak face to face. (v12) Giving greetings from a fellowship, John finishes.
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