Hebrews Chapter 13
Paul, despite the warnings to the believers not to have fellowship with the ungodly encourages them to show brotherly love to each other. (v1) To be mindful of spiritual gifts - for in showing charity to visiting strangers, God reciprocates with spiritual gifts by the ministration of the Holy Spirit through the visitor. (This does not necessitate that the visitor be from heaven.) (v2)
Paul asks them to remember those in prison and whom suffer - (v3) As well as commends them to be sanctified in their marriages, (whether to a believer or not) but marriage is sanctified - lewdness is not. (v4) Paul instructs them not to covet the riches of others but to be content, because the riches of heaven are in the blessings of God (which are sure promises) and not transient as are worldly riches. (v5) For in being content with the riches of heaven a man may be assured of the grace of God and in good conscience be assured of being in receipt of eternal life without care for the authority of men. (v6) For in coming under the authority of men one can not be separated from the promises of God. (Everything is brought to subjection under Christ.)
Paul encourages them to follow after the teaching of those that correct them charitably by the preaching of the word, because the end of their behaviour (in correcting them) by the word of God is for their profit; leading to eternal life. (v7) In this way we should be willing to be corrected; we whom have received the love of the truth. This is not a verse that sets one man over another, but the word of God only. The end of their behaviour then is the example of Christ - always the same. (v8) (Since it is towards His likeness that the ministrations of the Holy Spirit correct us, and also as through others and by God's word.)
Then we should be sure in the word of God and the true doctrine of the gospel - because the grace of God should be preached first (established) to new believers, rather than teaching to follow obedience of the law or ordinances of other systems that do not wash clean the conscience and perfect behaviour. (v9)
Such that serve the old testament ordinances and the law are not partakers of the grace of God, and our identity in Christ is not compatible with those without. (v10) Those sacrifices of old display that those that serve the law can not partake of the body of those animals that were offered for sin. (v11) Christ Himself suffered outside the "camp" or "gate" to show that He offered for sin so that those that serve under the law would not be partakers of the grace of God (v12) But only those who come from out of the old system to the new covenant are in receipt. (v13) (Even though it is a shame to be as by appearance outside the people of God to those that are captive under the law.)
We do not hope for an earthly tabernacle and earthly city, but a heavenly (v14) - we do not place our faith in keeping of the law, but of the promises of God by Christ. By giving thanks to God we show that the grace of God which is by Christ is not without effect - that it is better for God for Him to have such a people that glorify Him with thanksgiving. (v15)
It is then expedient for the whole body of believers to do good works and show charity to one another in teaching each other, for this strengthens the body of Christ and to keep the body separate from the old covenant Israel is good. Even if it causes similar separation and reproach as Christ suffered. (v16) Therefore to accept teaching and correction when believers are at fault and others have the rule over them is likewise a good thing - because they too will be judged on whether their faith is active. If their faith is active they are to correct others with joy and not to be grieved, therefore it remains for believers to accept correction happily. (v17) For a believer to reject correction by any other's proper teaching is evidence that the rejected whom would correct that believer is preaching to one who is ungodly. Rather believers should be edified which is profitable, rather than to reject correction which is not.
Paul asks them to pray for them, for they are certain they are of good conscience - and are free from cause of accusation (though they be persecuted), (v18) pleading with them to do this so that they might be free to return to them sooner. (v19)
Paul blesses them with grace (v20-v21) that the one true God (v20) within the sealing of the new covenant once and for all extend His Holy Spirit to minister to them to make them perfect in obedience and faith as exampled in Christ (v21)
Finally, asking them to allow obediently the last teachings in this epistle, because it has been written in a short fashion. (v22) Timothy is said to be free to visit Paul, with whom he hopes they will visit him. Paul greets every one educated in the word of God and able to correct each other - (apostles therefore) and sends greetings from the believers in Italy. Blessing them with grace once more the letter finishes.
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