Romans Chapter Fifteen
So then, being mindful of the ministrations of the Spirit that train the believer to repentance under the covering of our sins by grace, (justified by faith on Christ) we ought to uphold the infirmities of our brothers and sisters in Christ, because by the same method are we also trained. (v1) By encouragement and peace within the body of believers (the Lord's Israel) we give space to the edification of all by the Holy Spirit. (v2) For Christ was not sent to please Himself, but His Father only, since the blasphemy of the jews towards the Father fell upon Him with violence (v3).
The believers to whom this letter was written can take great comfort in the promises of God to them through the scriptures - that they can be also justified by their repentance and faith in the gospel. (v4) Those scriptures being written as a signpost to the righteousness of Christ, that we should be like minded towards each other giving that due space as well as ministering the words of truth in God to each other. In this we are also openly evidenced as believers in the truth of Christ's words. (v5) With one mind towards each other, and with one mouth (v6) believers should spread the gospel of obedience to God and the joy in the ministrations of the Holy Spirit which are evidence of the eternal life extended upon us. (v7)
For the gift of eternal life Jesus was sent to the circumcised of Israel to fulfil the law and the prophets, (v8) which are all evidence of His coming to those that believe, both jew and gentile. (v9), It is the perfect will of God in His sovereignty. For by the gospel's law of faith salvation is open by grace to all the gentiles and jews as it is evidenced in the prophets. (v10-12)
Paul therefore signs off on teaching of the ministrations of the Holy Spirit, as his writing has settled them in the confidence that they have hope (of the extension by perfection down to them) from their eternal life. (v13) Paul is confident that he has provided that doctrine to wit; he began saying that he hoped they would be established. (v14). Yet Paul has written all the more boldly on the ministrations of the Spirit and also more so on the preceding words of the prophets towards the salvation and calling of the gentiles into God's people Israel. (v15) (preserving a remnant justified by faith on Christ only) - Written only so after the manner of repentance God has shown Paul himself by the Holy Spirit; (v16) to the end that in turn the gentiles are also pleasing to God.
In those things of which Paul wrote in his epistle, he has much to boast of! By Christ he ministers to the gentiles with the message of the eternal life extended to them all, (as evidenced by their faith) the result of the righteousness of Christ ministered to them in the Spirit. For Paul will not teach but of those things that have come to him by faith in Christ, in order that the faith of the gentiles make them obedient by both word and deed (v18) and not of the law only. By wonders and signs and power of the Spirit this faith is evidenced from Jerusalem all about by Paul's teaching - that he can boast is only testament to the romans of this epistle that their faith on such things of Christ be sure, and that it be evidenced by God in those places also.
For as an apostle to the gentiles Paul has preached where none other has, so that the gospel be assured to be of that of Christ and the law of faith (rather than of the law bringing the condemnation of sin) to all. All whom receive the words of Christ and the Holy Spirit should indeed be assured. Thus the gospel is understood by those to whom God had not been known; now by the law of faith, and it's evidence in signs and wonders in all those parts show the pure law of faith under grace to be sure hope and hope set in Christ.(v21)
By doing so Paul has had much ministering amongst others, (v22) (Greek, barbarian, wise, unwise) but having fully preached the gospel in all those parts Paul is decided to visit them in Rome (v23) so that he may be brought by them onward into Spain (v24) by virtue of his proximity to Spain with them there. However, Paul goes to Jerusalem to offer a collection for the saints there (v25,v26), who are owed (under a debt of monetary rescue) ministering by the gentiles, for they are concerned with the gospel foremost. (v27) So afterwards he will set his eyes towards them and onto Spain. (v28)
Paul is confident in the romans that by the time he arrives they will be exhorting one another and encouraging and protecting each others faith fully by virtue of this epistle. (v29) Paul then asks for them to seek (v30) to strive with him in prayer for his own ministering to the saints in Jerusalem, because of the hatred from the jews there, and that the collection he gathered for the continuance of the preaching of the gospel to the jews would be found acceptable, (since it is from gentiles) and Jerusalem is perhaps more concerned with carnality under the law than is good for them. (v31) Lastly Paul adds his hope that he will arrive to them in much joy by the will of God answering their prayers and will be refreshed in the peace he will have with them in their thorough grounding in faith through this epistle. (v32) Finally, he writes a blessing (v33).
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