
Philippians Chapter 2

Paul commends good behaviour amongst the believers after the example of God. If there is any example of love in the ministration of the Holy Spirit, of comfort, fellowship, kinship and mercies, (v1) that they make Paul's gladness complete by showing the same ministrations to each other with the same love; being devoted to each other without division or strife. (v2) To not establish themselves amongst each other by causing offence or seeking personal glory (which is vain) (v3) but to suppose every individual amongst the fellowship more important, more esteemed than themselves. Not to be concerned only with their own edification and service, but also minded in the same towards others. (v4)

So, Paul asks them to take on the same mind with which Christ displayed the perfect requirement of all men. (v5) Christ, whom is God, not thinking it improper for a man to be equal to God in example and goodness, (v6) made Himself as lowly as all of us, as a servant to God in the same fashion as to a man whom would please God. (v7) Being found as a man he humbled Himself as a man would be humbled, being obedient to every requirement of God that is pleasing to His Father, and was obedient even to death on the cross. (v8) So that God then, has raised Him back to His former glory with a name that is above every other name (in divine authority) (v9) that every other authority would be subject to Him, whether heavenly or earthly, or of hell. (v10) That every mouth would utter that Jesus Christ is the Lord, even to the glory of His Father who exalted Him. (v11)

Likewise we have the opportunity to exalt Christ by taking on the same mind. Not being concerned with how we please others - but by pleasing God. God will reward us for pleasing Him for the sake of His Son's example. Jesus taught us to love our enemies - as well as our friends. I would gladly show the example of selflessness to those I hate for a reward from God, but a reward from those I hate is not reward enough; unless it be to shame me before God causing me to repent and then excel in glorifying him! Therefore it is greater to take on the mind of Christ who asked us to love our enemies for the Father's sake only, and not to prolong relationships with each other for their own bitter sake. The Lord hates those that blaspheme His name - those blasphemers should be corrected or excluded, but not integrated into an accord of debased faith that would not please the Father.

Paul continues that they should obey Christ's example not as if Paul was there to correct them, but to correct themselves with fear of God. (v12) For God works in them of the Holy Spirit to accomplish whatever is His pleasure - His will. (v13) Therefore to do all those things without complaining about it (v14) is to be blameless before God, (perhaps as shamed into excellence by those we hate) and harmless to each other as Sons of God, not requiring correction from those that are wicked and perverse - (within whose company we live), as a shining example to everyone - (yourselves included). (v15) That they are displaying the truth of the gospel in the Holy Spirit before all so that in the day of Christ's return Paul may know he has not laboured in vain, (without his reward, the increase due the freely preached gospel.) (v16)

If Paul has need to display selflessness, to display the like faith he has with those believers - he is happy to do so and is glad amongst all to so do. (v17) For the same reason they are all willing to do so out of joy with Paul. (v18) (To be also exalted for the glory of Christ and His Father in the day of His coming, as blameless before all.)

Paul trusts Jesus that he will have opportunity to send Timotheus to the believers at Philippi that Paul may be glad when He is affirmed of their continuing good state; (v19) because he trusts no man more whom will suit the task better, to confirm that they also serve the Father so willingly to the example of Christ. (v20) For everyone is only concerned with themselves (v21) but they know that Timotheus (as close as he could be) has served with Paul the gospel of reconciliation. (v22) Therefore Paul will send him just as soon as he knows what will happen to himself. (v23) But He also trusts that the Lord will answer their prayers for Paul's safety and release. Then Paul will come to see them presently. (v24)

Paul thought it necessary to send Epaphroditus, a fellow labourer in the gospel (v25) that attended to Paul in his confinement, who has longed to visit them and was much saddened because they knew he had been ill. (v26) - For he had nearly died but God has shown Him mercy - and Paul is thankful for similar mercy because of the grief his death would have brought both him and them. (v27) Paul sends him with care that the believers may be glad and Paul less filled with sorrow - because they will receive him gladly. (v28) Paul expects (v29) of them to receive him as true sons of God in all joy and to hold him in high regard - because he served with Paul nearly to his death without holding back, in place of the believers to whom Paul returns him. (v30) There would be some responsibility for them to provide for Epaphroditus, though as he is well enough to travel, he may not require it.

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