2 Peter Chapter 1
Peter opens in fellowship of faith with the believers to whom he writes, noting faith as the precious thing shown them by the example of Christ that justifies both he and them. (v1) Through the knowledge of God he prays that they be more brought into the predestination of the Holy Spirit's ministrations to eternal life after the fashion of Christ. (v2) For God in His might has given us everything we require to be brought into obedience to justify our eternal life through the establishment of our repentance upon our faith; through the teaching of Jesus who has called all believers to glory and virtue. (v3)
For the righteousness to stand boldly in the presence of God is imputed us for our faith: for Christ offered up that grace in obedience to the cross, that for God's greater glorying by a more numerous people we might be transformed to obedience in eternal life by the ministration of God's Spirit through that grace. This Christ promised by His teaching (v4) that we might receive the Spirit having escaped the reprobate mind that is the reward of fleshy lusts.
Peter continues here with a seven cycle - the identity element as of multiplication is faith: to which is added virtue (obedience) to obedience knowledge (to excel in obedience by the word) which has the ends of temperance through testing, patience for testing and the aid of grace, to patience godliness which comes from edification in grace, to godliness the ability to edify others in brotherly kindness and to this last thing Peter adds charity, which acts as the additive identity.
All the previous seven are motivated out of charity: (God's own) Thereby justifying their gifts by the Spirit by their faith. The ordering of the multiplicative group is the action of faith. It would appear then that faith, in excelling itself in measure should arrive back at itself: for through brotherly kindness of others we have received edification, teaching and its basis: faith. (v5-7)
If these things be in the conduct of the believer, then Peter says they will not be barren or unfruitful, but their faith will excell to reaping a greater harvest of salvation for God. (The very arrival back at faith above.) And all this from the knowledge of God's charitable grace that is extended to the faith of the believer. (v8)
But those individuals that lack any of these have not believed the truth, and have not shown the guidance nor the edification that was ministered to them by the Spirit through the teaching of others. (v9) Such an individual must have forgotten at some point that he was a sinner, and that faith must be outwardly directed as well as inward: for faith without works is dead faith, for if a sin is a "G v p" statement, then "God doesn't mind if I do not concern myself with others" is also such a "p".
Therefore, Peter argues that the believers should make their election sure by externalising their faith with charity towards edifying all of the brethren. For if a person does all these seven things, they will never fall - the ministry of God is perfected in His charity. That said, correct faith and obedience carried with charity towards edification (with prophesying in kindness to exhortation) is a greater gift that greatly assures all of faith and the power of God. (see Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.) (v10)
We should also note that a finite field is unique: that the unity of God's charity being timeless is such as to not make it contingent: it being a perfection freely extended by God to all. Then the purpose of that charity in 'unifying the result' from faith added upon brotherly kindness to reveal faith in others, should be necessary. Every statement for the satisfaction of God's perfection in the faith and behaviour of the believer is considered a necessary truth, but we have yet to establish an octal structure for this faith, or necessity for it amongst contingently existent minds, unless it be faith required by a creator who finds His own structure satisfying enough a model for His people's faith.
We can start with dimension one as "faith" or unity. We can add the word of God as a second dimension - to derive all faith and obedience and a Godly people's sorting based on a principle ultrafilter as their sum, however, these things are fashioned in Christ to the satisfaction of God: Therefore we can add the third dimension as "God's obedient people (spiritual) Israel" that must be obedient to scripture if they have faith. Thus we can consider the "people" as contained in the template of Christ's faith and obedience to the fulfilling of the word of God (They are justified by that principal element as a people, as credited righteousness as of Christ's obedience). Then lastly we note that faith is the proper way for God's people to be obedient to His law, (Paul expounded much on this.) Thus we have Klein four group structure with an addition, taking zero to be the grace and truth that is the only way to God.
Ie, faith + obedience = people, faith + people = obedience, faith = obedience + people
Rather than search out the individual correspondences with polynomials, we will leave it there,. but we only have the elements {1 , y, 1+y} here, which is a representation of a Klein four group. We can further unify all three into a single octal concept by the action of a seven cycle upon these: making the "appearance of increase" mentioned by adding new faithful, or edifying the presently faithful.
Peter continues by stating that if they continue in these things one toward another, they will establish themselves in a much more secure fashion into their eternal life and will be the much richer upon the second coming of Christ, having more abundantly been edified (v11) To which end Peter will not be negligent in requiring them to be obedient towards this end (v12) so that they continue in the truth and obedience required of their faith. Since Peter still lives, (v13) he states it is a good thing for Him to do so, as he is soon to die as the Lord prophesied (v14)
Peter wishes to ensure that they always have these things ready; to be presented before God after his death (v15) For Peter has not invented the gospel himself but has been one of the very few eleven that heard the promises of God from Christ's own lips, having seen His resurrected self. (v16) Knowing that Christ received all that He had witnessed of the salvation of God and the blamelessness of His testament; also having heard the words spoken by the Father from heaven before his disciples to Christ's own edification. (v17,v18)
Peter states that they have a more sure word of prophecy - that he and the disciples are more edified than they are themselves (the letter's recipients) therefore they do well that take heed to continue in these things of the proposed seven cycle, not as something close to end, but as far off in a time when it also needs to be striven towards, until they have a complete satisfaction when they of themselves make that same thing to be sought after by others. (The intent of a cyclic ordering of faith arriving back at faith as above) (v19) For the first "light" was Christ, the bright and morning star. The final light will be much brighter - Christ glorified amongst us His brethren with our thanksgiving: As we will then be His people.
Knowing that no prophecy is of private interpretation being the will of God,(v20) they should diligently take heed of Peter's words, for this is the true election of God as evidenced in their behaviour one toward another - upon their edification by Peter's same prophesying (correcting word) and to their strengthening as a people; (v21) For the prophesying by Peter (and all the words of scripture) came by men that are filled with the Spirit.
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