![...Return To Section Menu](/Images/section_menu.png) 1 Timothy Chapter 1
Paul opens this epistle with two allusions to the trinity. Paul, an apostle (In the Holy Spirit) by the commandment of God (The Father) ..and the Lord Jesus Christ. (v1) To Timothy, grace (by the Holy Spirit), mercy (of the Father) and peace (in the sure faith of the Son) from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (v2)
Paul has asked Timothy to wait at Ephesus whilst he himself went into Macedonia, so that Timothy could ensure that the one gospel is taught, and no other doctrine. (v3) We can assume from the prinicpal ultrafilter that implies the liberty of God to the believer through the example of Jesus Christ that fables and endless genealogies do indeed give rise to questions, rather than the certain doctrine of the fulfilment of God's law and His perfect satisfaction in keeping all the law and the prophets found in His Son. (v4) Whose example edifies us all into the eternal life of the one God that saves perfectly.
The purpose of the law is fulfilled out of a charitable heart, good conscience and true faith. (v5) Every statement of the law being fulfilled by the earnest desire of the Holy Spirit to see in us the satisfaction of His requirements to the perfect example of His Son, as toward the sovereignty of God over His laws. This sovereignty derived from the liberty of God over the various beliefs of the believer, paired with the necessity of conformity to the example of Christ for salvation (being the dearest principle to the gospel), has been avoided by some (v6) who have instead turned to mere systems of their own devising that do not fulfil the end of the law - to the behaviour and faith of Christ. Whilst teaching the law, they neither understand its directive purpose or the meaning, (to draw into God's grace the believer in repentance and in the Spirit of reconciliation) to God our creator. (v7)
But, if this rather be the motive, we know that the law is good. (v8) The law is not made for a righteous man who is imputed holiness by His faith on Christ, but is made for those that are under the condemnation of the law, (now translated to the law of faith), to the unbelieving and the disobedient unrepentant reprobate, who is excluded from the election of grace, concluded in unbelief. (v9-v10) Concluded, if there be any behaviour that is against the sound doctrine that eternal life be formed in the believer in the hope of the image of Christ, found within the bonds of repentance towards that same perfect behaviour and knowledge of the gospel and of God that Paul himself had been imparted by Christ. (v11).
Paul thanks Christ for giving him all the doctrine he requires - that he was found worthy of so rewarding a ministry - Paul, who was a blasphemer of Christ and persecuted the believers at first (v13) but obtained the gospel under only the grace of God in revelation by the Holy Spirit, whereas when he was under condemnation for his previous indignities he was in unbelief, then not crucifying Christ twice. (v13) The grace of God was meet for every requirement of sin that Paul had to repent of, and over abundant in all the knowledge, acceptance and the goodness of God which was exampled in Christ. (By whose example the Holy Spirit did conform Paul.) (v14)
This is a sure saying. (We can examine it as necessary for salvation) that Jesus Christ indeed with His grace led captivity captive, so there is no sin that may not be forgiven. (There is no permanent "mark of the beast" style sin.) For all of Paul's sins are forgiven Him, saying he is the worst of sinners. (v15) However, for this very cause Paul obtained mercy, that Jesus might display his tempered patience towards all of those that are yet sinners, that under the grace of God even they who are alienated from God might be reconciled to Him through the gospel, and under the ministration of the Holy Spirit with faith and a repentant heart (good conscience, faith unfeigned) might display the manner of holiness that satisfies God and that was exampled through Christ in all obedience. Even to obtaining by the election of grace the gift of eternal life, for which the Holy Spirit is a payment in earnest. (v16)
Paul glorifies the only unmistakable God whom fulfilled His own law, gave Himself in obedience even to death, and manifestly raised His Son from the dead incorruptible, under the same reconciliation to all to Himself as the unknown invisible creator, the Father of us all. (v17) For this Paul gives Timothy purpose, that Paul unswervingly charges Timothy towards the known purposes of God for His people, to dwell with them by the Holy Spirit, then later with Christ also, then with the Father arriving lastly; that in all hope and acceptance of the surety of the promises of God, he may do well in charging those teachers at Ephesus to teach no other doctrine. (v18) (Thus preventing them leaving the faith, and God's elect as repentant believers (v19)) Amongst those in Ephesus, Paul decries Hymenaeus and Alexander - whom Paul has ejected from the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, that they learn not to deliberately grieve the Spirit of God. (v20)
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