1 John Chapter 3
John writes of the mystery of God here. Jesus had perfect knowledge of the Father's person in the beginning. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and had this knowledge. The Father has shown great love for us that we might come to know Him also, becoming His sons also. (v1) The world didn't recognise God in knowledge before Christ, and it didn't recognise Him either. But when the Father appears we will know God as He is, as we are gifted Christ's righteousness to stand in the presence of God and know His will. It is better for God to call us His sons from our predestination than from a point ahead in our future (the nature of a son is such) (v2) When we see Him appear, we will be sons in fullness as Christ, for we shall see Christ as He is, our Father.
Every man who has this hope that Christ is God obeys the ministrations of the Holy Spirit to be predestinated as a son. (v3) Whosoever disobeys the will of God and is not predestined also disobeys the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. (v4) (There is now a law of faith also.) Christ came to give a perfect example that He might be the proof that men can repent - to take away our sins before God - in Christ there is no sin. (v5) So whosoever lives according to Christ's faith and knowledge of the Father does not sin. Anyone that sins according to the law of faith therefore has not received Christ's faith or knowledge. (He lacks the element of the ultrafilter that separates, (that makes HG(G) => L(G)) Neither has an individual seen Christ as we will do so. (The resurrection of the just is not yet. A reproof of preterism.)
John commands that they let no one teach them otherwise - for any man that does not sin according to the law is therefore righteous as Christ was righteous. Any man not sinning after the law of faith has known Christ also. (v7) He that sins according to the law of the flesh and the law of faith is of the devil (antichrist) for the devil sinned from the beginning. Christ came to save souls and stop men sinning, the works of the devil are that which cause men to sin.(v8)
John asserts that any man born of God has stopped sinning, for God's gift of sonship remains in that man, and he can not sin (according to the law of faith) because He is born of God. (greater temptation warrants more grace of the Holy Spirit - breaking the bands of grace is too hard for one that loves God with all his heart, mind and strength.) (v9)
Then are the children of God made obvious - and the children of the devil separate, whosoever keeps the law of faith is of God, and who doesn't is not. (neither is he who has faith but whose faith is without love for his brother, breaking the law - such faith is dead.) (v10) Loving ones brother is the commandment of Christ and of God from the beginning. (v11) Not as an evildoer that covets the righteousness of a brother with stronger faith. (v12)
John writes that it is no strange thing therefore that the world hates them for being righteous; because they are not righteous if they are of the world (as Cain). (v13) John assures them they have been predestinated to eternal life if they love the brethren, because the brethren are those that minister to them in their weaknesses. He that can hate the one who brings him that which he needs for eternal life plainly inherits death instead. (v14) Likewise hating one's brother as Cain - "Am I my brother's keeper?" and withholding from him the charity required to strengthen the training of the Holy Spirit in him, or offending him to falling away is the sin of murder of his eternal life. (v15)
We find then that we recognise the love of Christ in laying down his life for us - that we should lay down our lives for our brethren also. Christ said there is no greater love than that a man lay down his life for his friends. If God loved our brethren that much, then we should also do so if we love God. This is the reason we should love our brethren, and the limit to which we should love them; rather than a commandment to martyrdom. (v16)
But any man who has no need of Himself to lay down even something he has in passing for a brother, can not have that same love of God without limit in him. (v17) John exhorts them not to love merely in letter or speech but in action and in ministry. (v18), because if that is the case, we are assured that that love of God has had an effect on us - and make our hearts confident that we can obey Him in anything. (v20,v21) Anything we ask of God for the ministry of truth in the Holy Spirit by his gifts are given us, if we keep His commandments, to obey the law of faith and love our brethren, (which is pleasing to God) acting in love, rather than merely in letter or speech. (v22)
The principle commandment is this; to believe upon Jesus Christ as before the Father - as the propitiation for our sins. (see ch.2) and to love one another as He commanded, even to the laying down of our lives. (v23) Keeping these commandments assures all that they have Christ's faith and knowledge enough to be predestined securely into eternal life, and we know this because we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit in earnest, as a downpayment already. (v24).
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