
Colossians Chapter 3

Paul instructs them that since they are raised with Christ to new life, they should search out the instruction of God (v12) so that as things are revealed they should be then completely searched out. (v2) For we are dead to things on this world - our life is found in Christ whom is above all such things (v3) When Christ returns, we shall also be with Him blameless, and clothed alike, but with His glory as to be His inheritance. (v4) With great fear then subdue your earthly pursuits of the flesh - all sins and faults of faith (v5).

All these things the disobedient do, upon whom the wrath of God will come (v6) Which you were also guilty of pursuing (v7) but now you have put off those things you pursue sin with. (v8) Paul hereby instructs them to stay repentant under the ministrations of the Holy Spirit - with their eyes firmly fixed upon the promises of God towards His people, searching out in all truth the extent of those promises, and living within them so as to be heirs with Christ.

Paul commands them not to deceive one another now they are dead to the unclean world (v9), now that they are born again, a new creature, and have put on a clean inner man (Christ in them) which is continually renewed after each correction by the Holy Spirit into a work of Christ's blamelessness before God. (v10) There is no distinction of race, religion, descent, situation in this; for All are one in Christ, Christ is all in all. (v11)

Christ is God and blameless. He kept the law perfectly. You might want to pause on what it means for Him to have mediated a new covenant. If He has granted through grace His righteousness to us by faith, so that we be presented blameless before God - then there is no distinction before God as to whom is blameless... it is Christ Himself.

We are the work of Christ. Therefore we are His body if it be elected by grace and justified by Christ before God. (and so is He - self evidently) At each correction of sin or fault of faith we are made renewed in our minds, If we have the Holy Spirit we should be confident in that grace if we indeed be risen with Christ. Truly Christ is all in all, and we are as nothing ourselves.

Paul instructs them to put in themselves the desire to show mercy, kindness, humbleness and meekness with patience as befits the image of Christ within ourselves; that we be more closely renewed into blamelessness (as befits more effective grace) to show ourselves approved before God. (v12) Showing temperance towards each other and forgiving each other in any quarrel - as Christ forgave, so should we. (v13) Above all, show charity towards one another - which is the grounding quality of all perfect behaviour. (Nothing evil is done out of such love) (v14)

Paul states that these qualities are befitting of Christ Himself, so the closer we emulate Him, the less we should stretch (frustrate) the grace of God and the forgiveness we require for being at fault. In these things let the confidence of the election by grace come upon yourselves - that you have peace to be reconciled to God as one of His people (v15)

Paul states they should learn all Christ's teaching and understand it by the teaching of those that already do so understand, and promote reading and singing - scripture and songs in praise of God. (v16) Any good work done should be done in the name of Jesus, not for personal glory, but giving thanks to God for the opportunity and grace under which to do well. (v17)

Paul offers His familiar instructions to the family unit - that they model themselves after the relationship of the Father to Christ to the bride of Christ. (v18-v21) And that children obey their parents and fathers be just with their children. He commands servants to serve as if serving God Himself (not being free to preach the gospel, but being credited with good works for it.) A calling much honoured. (v22-v24) But any one that does wrong will be under the judgement of God; for Christ is blameless and is all in all - if we neglect good behaviour to repentance we are merely reprobates - there is no respect of persons with God.

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