2 Corinthians Chapter 10
This chapter is a great one for showing the nature of apostolic authority. The statement Ax(G) => AG(x) made in "Liberty, Faith and Authority" section of the metaphysics tab can be inferred through this chapter; The authority of the apostle is to the right to correct the faith of another. So we have that if the faith is corrected to the example of Christ, implying the liberty and therefore sovereignty of God and His person to us, we must consent to His law else we have a different God that is without His laws for man, His creation. Thus if Hx(G) is a subset of HG(G) then we infer that God has extended the authority A(y)[x] whether or not Hy(G) is a subset of HG(G). It is this "measure" Paul writes of in this chapter.
Paul begins beseeching them after the manner of Christ's humility that although he is unimpressive when with them, though bold towards them whilst away (v1) he may be confidently bold also towards those who think that Paul's example is after the manner of good behaviour only. (v2) For although they have good behaviour, they do not preach with it. (v3) The weapons of an apostle are of God to remove strongholds that by thought cause bad behaviour. (v4)
Correcting ones behaviour is done with these spiritual weapons to correct vanities towards God's person. (v5) Listed here as "imaginations" (misconceptions of God) and "every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God" (The "G v p" statement that does not respect the liberty of God.) and "bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (the statement that every condition to the satisfaction of perfection becomes a necessary truth - with regards to the law and Christ's own correct faith, having known the Father)
Paul then states that when one becomes obedient he is ready to correct the disobedience of others with regards to the above. (v6). Therefore Paul asserts that they should not look on anyone and judge by the outward appearance as if walking after the flesh was enough to judge a man by. For any one that respects God's liberty, (therefore the sovereignty of God and the obedience of His Christ that is the fulfilment of our own obligation) is not displaying it outwardly by the obedience of the man according to the law - but is inwardly obedient and is of the Spirit. (v7)
For Paul has the authority to correct them and any other (though not God) so that their faith might be correct - rather than they be shown to be incorrect before others outwardly, (v8) Not after the condemnation of the law to death but for their improvement. Though he could boast of this authority and not be ashamed, he will not lay charge faults to them in his letters after the flesh - that is concerning outward behaviour only; (v9) (Because his letters are rumoured to be apostolic but his person not so when present (v10)) He advises such that he will be justified by edifying them when he is with them, as is his intent in his letters. (v11)
Paul asserts that he does not work after the manner of those that hold themselves worthy or authoritative based upon their own selves, even when there are many in approval of each other - those not having wisdom; (v12) but rather Paul does not work beyond his authority but according to the authority God has granted His apostles (c.f. v5) which reaches from Paul to the corinthians also by Christ. (v13) Paul does not stretch beyond that authority in laying correction towards the corinthians, because he had been the one to teach them the gospel. (v13) Not preaching of things outside his apostolic authority (as if another man had the charge over them), but in the hope that their faith would be edified (increased) that he would be made glad by their mutual faith with his own all the more. (v15)
Made glad then that he could then go beyond them to preach the gospel to others and not upon another man's foundation, (who would deserve the credit for laying it rather than allowing Paul to be able to boast himself as if it were done with his own authority to correct.) Paul ends the chapter by stating that He who is for us to boast of is Christ, (v17) whose faith is the gospel - for He who can correct another is approved in doing so only after the example of Christ's faith and obedience. Not after the respect of those who commend each other or themselves (as worthy to correct another) because of their outward behaviour. (v18)
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