1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul recounts to the believers his teaching on the gospel which they received from him. (v12) So if they hold to it they may be saved. (v2) Even as he received it. (v3-v8). He recounts how the grace given him over his own sins (v9,v10) (forgiveness) is extended by faith upon the obedient example of Christ to death on the cross. (v3,v4) So that he became more profitable than the twelve by the reward due his freely given teaching. But it is the same gospel, Paul puts them in mind of that. (v11) Now the gospel attests that Christ was raised from the dead, contrary to the opinion of some at Corinth that hold there is no resurrection. (v12). But if no resurrection, then Christ is not raised and the gospel is vain. If the gospel is vain then all preaching is for nothing. (v14-v16). For if there is no resurrection at all, then eternal life can not be the domain of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and there is no action for that grace, and we are still under the condemnation of the law in our sins. (v17) Then also believers now dead are perished in guiltiness. (v18) Then there is only this life and all are dead in sin (v19)- there is no gospel. But Christ IS raised therefore, (v20) to new life in grace more abundant than the condemnation of the law brought into the world by the first man. (v21) There is therefore space for grace to repentance by the ministration of the Holy Spirit. (v22) But Christ is the principal heir - He first, followed by all after into eternal life as they die, that will return with God at his coming. (v23) Then, all that can be saved have been saved and are become the completion of God's purposed temple in the Spirit. (v24) Following then the destruction of the systems of this world's ungodly state (that all may be subject under Christ). For Christ will reign on earth with His saints (v25) until all His enemies be defeated. Aside: It is better for God to go from perfect to a greater degree of perfect. Thus He came obedient doing the works of His Father - being here physically. He was raised and left behind the physical presence of the Holy Spirit made greater by the increase of those in His Kingdom who have the Spirit. He will return in kind with the continuing presence of the Holy Spirit - then lastly the Father will descend amongst us also. In order for Christ to be more perfected at His coming He will destroy out of the world they that would be His earthly enemies - for He had the Spirit whilst he first came (with Him also) but now it is greater for the Spirit to be here physically on His own for a time since there are many obedient children of God that have the Spirit. (Jesus came in obedience to His Father, not for Himself). The last enemy to be destroyed therefore is death (v26 )- when there will be a resurrection of the dead, and all those that remain (v27) are only those with eternal life: for God will not suffer any to be killed again. (Not least His Son, and therefore His heirs also.) All that remain, excepting His Father are put under Him whilst He reigns. At the resurrection then, Even death is defeated and Christ will reign under His Father (v28) with the whole trinity amongst us. So why are apostles baptised with the Holy Spirit to preach to the unconverted? (v29) (why is eternal life come with power and miracles by the Spirit and authority of God to forgive sins?) There is no other reason than the gospel to suffer adversity for this, and the gospel rests on the resurrection. (v30). Whilst Paul protests at their great joy in the knowledge of the second coming he reminds them that he suffers much hardship for the gospel. (v31) For he does so in hope of the resurrection. (v32) Therefore he reminds them to be mindful of their speech - that it properly reflect their gifts towards each other that are by the Holy Spirit and sanctify their given eternal life (v33) - which is certainly evidence of the resurrection. Else there is no cause and justification - and no righteousness (v34) before the Father - all would have perished and it is better therefore for God to claim for Himself a people. To those that would answer back, Paul teaches that God has clothed all forms of life differently, and bodies in the heavens some way, spiritual things in other ways : God is able to clothe all as to His purpose for them all in their own capacity. (as He intends.) (v35-41) In particular He reminds them that after nature and intercourse a man fathers only that which is physically going to die (v36) as would a grain of wheat that bears increase after it perishes in the ground. But in the resurrection the incorruptible is raised for eternity according to the Fathers purpose. Like wheat, sown in dishonour raised to honour. From physical only, to spiritual. (v42-44) For as death came in by Adam, and life by Jesus (v45) the physical came first with its ends in death and the incorruptible life comes after. The second is far greater as Jesus Christ is the Lord. (v47) There therefore is a division between physical and spiritual when it comes to life, though as Paul puts it we are all physical now - but spiritual if we be raised, as Christ is heavenly so we will be heavenly. (v48-49) For corrupt flesh that dies can not inherit eternal life if it not be spiritually minded in Christ. (v50) Then Paul teaches of the last day, when any that remain will be transformed at the last trump - and put on the spiritual, heavenly, incorruptible eternal life that is the gift of God: (v51-v53) Then shall death be defeated (v54) and all things put under the Father. Death has no power then to the faithful, (v55) and sin has no sting. (v56) But thanks and praise to you our God who gave Christ the victory as your foremost heir! (v57) However, we must remain obedient to the requirements of truth and the gospel! (v58)
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