Carrying on in much the same manner we walk through these four books applying as sparse a rendition of the scripture as is possible, with any new doctrine marked out with a discussion based on the metaphysics and metamath sections.
Again, you will need to follow with an open bible as I will not be including the verses - Enjoy.
Chapter One
Paul writes on how his imprisonment has played out towards the furtherance and good of the gospel. Chapter Two
Paul encourages the believer towards excelling in behaviour towards all for a reward of the Father and for the glory of His Christ. There is no requirement here to continue a relationship with unbelievers as if they were believers. Chapter Three
This is a great proof text for the ministrations of the Holy Spirit. A wonderful chapter. Chapter Four
Paul commends the believers for being forward in giving gifts to his requirements, asserts he has no lack in Christ, and gives a few final instructions.
Chapter One
Paul opens this epistle with some revelations of the mystery of God. Marvellous examples are given to approve the extension of Anselm's argument and the content of the "metaphysics - Liberty, Faith and Authority" section. Chapter Two
Paul writes of how he would strengthen their faith were he with them, and minds them to keep their faith, not being swayed by false doctrines or legalistic systems from false teachers. Chapter Three
Paul commends the believers to show outwardly the same example of behaviour that Christ showed in His obedience and His selflessness towards all. Some familiar commandments too concerning the family unit. Chapter Four
Paul completes his instructions and sends greeting from his fellow labourers.
1 Thessalonians
Chapter One
Paul greets the believers and congratulates them on their faith and how they have taken on the apostolic mantle themselves. Chapter Two
Paul is made very glad at how they received him in the face of much oppostion, asnd he encourages them with his clear wish for them to withstand the enemy and maintain their strong faith for his (much yearned for) return to them. Chapter Three
Paul had sent Timothy to find out how the Thessalonians were withstanding the oppostion that had sprung up - Paul is filled with much joy over their strong faith and his answered prayer. Chapter Four
Paul commends their brotherly love and exhorts them to concentrate on their personal behaviour first in order for them to be received by unbelievers as genuine. Paul also expounds the mystery of God concerning the resurrection of the dead in Christ at the second coming. Chapter Five
Paul reiterates a prophecy spoken by Christ, encourages them towards good behaviour, and gives a bulleted list of things to walk in the gospel within. He then states that the Holy Spirit is able to accomplish all these things in them - which is the Hope Of Glory - Jesus Christ in us; (our good behaviour realised in the present gift of His eternal life amongst us.)
2 Thessalonians
Chapter One
Paul comforts the believers concerning the opposition they face that has arisen from the gentiles at the instigation of the jews. Paul teaches a little on the wrath of God at His coming. Chapter Two
Paul exhorts the believers not to believe rumours that Christ is imminently to return. There must come a falling away first, and much false teaching must come, and the revealing of a man of sin whose deliberate blasphemy brings back an old foe. Chapter Three
Paul asks for prayer and gives instructions on obedience to this epistle.
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