1 Corinthians Chapter 7
This chapter is principally concerned with the equality of the sexes as modelled after the body of Christ. Men and women are equally gifted the Holy Spirits ministration within eternal life - there is no difference between male and female in Christ. Likewise also there is benefit to both those that are in bonds as servants and those that are free. I give a swift run through of such equality here, but Christ is wed to His bride that is both comprised of male and female members. Each is His co-heir, not His partner. There is no difference in the inheritance in God through Jesus Christ. Likewise for servants or free - being free or unmarried puts the believer at an advantage to serve the Lord.
The language of the KJV is a little unclear when it comes to the words "marry", "wife" and "virgin". I believe though that I have discerned the meaning correctly, so I apologise that there is no other doctrine here - but as the corinthians were so carnal, (requiring good standards) I do well in including this.
Paul writes that it is good for a man not to touch a woman in sexual intercourse. This applies within the body of Christ between man and woman - husband and wife also.(v1) (For the sheer deluge of children notwithstanding) In order for there to be no fornication - inter-joining of sexual hedonism across couples, every man should have his wife, and she her husband. (v2) Let them show kindness to each other, (v3) and devotion (v4). Do not restrict the intercourse in your marriage for a long time so as to avoid temptation by others, but only towards the effort of fasting and prayer to glorify God with each other's consent.(v5) Paul adds this lastly not by power over their liberty of consent - but by permission as of guidance. (v6) For it is against the gospel to require the liberties of another, and as from God overall.
Paul wishes that every man were celibate as himself is; (c.f v1) Paul is gifted much peace by this, although other men may have not been gifted this celibacy which comes to Paul easily with comfort. (v7) Therefore from Paul's advice for godliness it is good for widows and the unmarried to stay unmarried (To abstain from sexual intercourse.) (v8) If they can not contain their passion he advises them to marry, according to the distribution of such gifts of comfort in or out of celibacy by the Holy Spirit. (v9)
To the married Paul advises of the Holy Spirit to stay married (v10) - it is not good to put away a wife or one's husband, but if it so occurs, let the believer not marry again, or else be reconciled to their husband. It is unclear here from context what Paul means.(v11) By putting away ones wife or husband we would assume from the use of the word that he means to never have sexual intercourse again rather than legal divorce in the courts which is illegal in the body of Christ. Then, let them not have sex again together or with others (marry) or let them be both reconciled and come together again. I assume that such a meaning would be in reference to too long a time apart and abstaining without the consent of the other. (c.f v5) (and a reference to the sanctity of marriage.) (c.f v2)
But to those Paul speaks of (now following), It is Paul that speaks here rather than God only - for to Paul it is self evident. Marriage to unbelievers is permissible and binding for the believer (v12,v13). And the fruit of marriage is sanctified through the marriage by extension of grace through perfection to innocents - the children are as in the Lord whilst they are innocent. (v14) Marriage to a believer is not binding (as in the Lord) for the unbeliever - it is better for the unbeliever to depart (separate) if they are set to do so and the believer to be free to marry another to be at peace. (v15) No one can tell for certainty who is written in the lambs book of life but the Father only. (v16) Thus remarrying and to a believer instead will put a person at ease.
As happenstance occurs to put anyone in whatsoever position as when he or she were called, a person should continue; For the calling of God as to position, condition and influence is partly for need; Paul converts people in their circumstance and provides them that doctrine for their circumstance so they be both at peace and mindful of that which concerns them. (v17)
If a convert is circumcised, or uncircumcised, only obedience in eternal life is concerned - he has no need of the other. (v18-20) Is a believer a servant? Don't esteem the service above the calling of God, but if you can be free for your good service give effort to that. Being a slave in the Lord frees you from ministering the gospel, but to the free the calling is to faithful service in Christ. All believers were bought with Christ's freely offered grace. Therefore it is better to not put yourself under the price of your freedom, whether by a debt of service or fault when instead you should be serving each other within that grace.(v23) If a man is called, let him stay in his calling as towards being at peace, not being contentious. (v24)
Paul writes now of virgins, since by the Spirit He has been given judgement through the experience of faithfulness to the gospel over fleshly desire or passion of love.(v25) He says for the present time, it is good for a man to be a virgin.(v26) If a man is promised to a wife do not be divorced, if not, then do not seek a wife. (v27) If you have sex with your bride there is no sin from it, likewise for a virgin bride also with her husband. (Though childbirth will be painful.)(v28)
Paul reminds us that life is short, In eternal life with the Lord the system of this world will be no more. There will be equal inheritance in eternal life for those married and unmarried - both will be as each other and Holy, without passions of desire for others whilst they be married or unmarried.(v29) Those that weep will be also as filled with joy as those that are joyful - (where will be childbearing?) They that buy as though they possessed not - where will be the care of one's own house and children? (v30) Those that use this world, as those not abusing it - Those whom burn with the desire of attractions to their partners as those whom have such peace in celibacy as Paul himself. (v31)
Despite this, Paul would have them as without worrying over that in this life. For the single man is concerned with spiritual things to please God (v32) but the married man to please his wife (v33) The difference between a wife (a woman who has intercourse with her husband) and a virgin (a woman who abstains from sex with her husband for the purpose of withholding from the birth of children as of presently.) Is that the virgin lives to the Lord and is mindful of spiritual things but the wife on how to please her husband.(v34)
Paul for good advice and godliness and not to their detriment states that in all cases one may preserve themselves to attend the Lord's spiritual matters without fear of breaching His purposes. (That is, stay single or "unmarried" and celibate.)(v35) Yet if any man has not behaved as his bride would wish if she be a virgin and her desire is to have children, if she no longer be able to be promised to another through advanced age - let them couple. (v36) Likewise a believer steadfast in his desire to serve the Lord's spirit and will foremost without having such a compunction, choosing to keep his bride a virgin, does not sin and does well.(v37) Then the latter does better than the former, because both husband and bride are minded on the Lord.(v39)
The wife is married to the husband for his whole life, but is free to marry again if he die (v39)- to marry any she chooses as long as they be a believer. In Paul's judgement he believes this last condition if kept will make her happier in marriage (to a believer) on the basis that he can judge based on the Holy Spirit, as should she.
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