1 Corinthians Chapter 6
In this chapter Paul starts to impart out of necessity some of the truths written in the book of romans concerning proper doctrine, through severity of writing. He almost sounds disgusted. It is better however that the truth is said when it is the truth of the gospel even if it may injure the feelings of the ones to whom it is said. Authority is sometimes a spoken sharp two edged sword - and swords cut flesh.
Paul challenges the corinthians on the basis of the last chapter - (that they should judge wickedness within their fellowship) to those that would therefore dare to seek justice outside of their fellowship, to then settle disputes amongst themselves. (v1) The body of believers must be on that basis able to recognise deceit, sin and all wickedness. They must examine whether the fruits of the ungodly be worthy of the gospel - so should they not settle disputes over trivial worldly matters amongst themselves? (v2) Even angels must be judged - ministering spirits, so that whole fellowships must be effectively judged by the spirit they work within, to be accepted or avoided by individual believers. (v3) Then worldly affairs should be so much more easily judged.
Since those among the corinthian fellowship who have power of judgement outside of the faith in worldly matters have failed so completely to settle such disputes amongst the believers spiritually - (having abdicated) Paul states that those less familiar with the intricacies of worldly law should hold judgement over such disputes within their fellowship.(v4) Paul exhorts such powerful individuals to be ashamed - not one of them had stepped up to settle disputes inwardly. Principally Paul's complaint was that the believers had willingly placed themselves under the power of the ungodly, thus putting themselves willingly under the authority of the unrepentant. Instead of resting within the judgement of the Godly, they have demeaned the sanctity of Christ's body.(v7) Their fault was in bringing their fellowship into the authority of the world which is at complete fault. Rather the teachings of Christ and the gospel are to settle internally, suffer wrongs willingly and forgive brethren in the Lord their debts.
By reciprocating grace to each other whilst debts are made good, we model ourselves after our Father's grace extended to us and show ourselves to be sons after His own heart. If any brother betrays our grace, He will face God's judgement under the direct teaching of Christ.
Likewise defrauding each other of grace, many are also at fault by defrauding monetarily their brothers and sisters. (v8) The wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God - but also neither will the unrighteous. Extending grace to each other - even completely forgiving debts and offences is righteousness! Those that abuse the heart of God and fellow believers will have no place in the eternal life to come. (v9-v10)
Paul encourages here, for the believers to not return to their first state as before they had repented (v11) - Now, they are washed and have access to the Father, they are sanctified by the righteousness of Christ and His blood (grace to forgiveness as heirs) and justified through the ministrations to repentance by the Holy Spirit after the fashion of the gospel. Whilst God's grace is extended, all things are lawful - everything is legal, but not everything is good, much must be repented of and swiftly. Paul states he would not be brought under the power of any (principally God through wickedness) including human judgement.
One defrauds money, the other defrauds grace. God will destroy disobedience and the disobedient - that is His perfect and pleasing will.(v12) Grace is extended over sin for repentance in eternal life in the one people that is His body - spiritual Israel. It will be as (under grace) Holy as a body presently; that it continue to improve to perfect Holiness whilst righteousness can be imputed faith of its members. The body is totally the Lord's, both by faith and obedience. The Lord is not made for His body, but He has given eternal life by laying down His own. He will not see Himself defrauded. (v13)
Christ was raised from the dead to be a sure sign that the life is given, and that Christ can judge (as one blameless) the laws of His Father. If we by grace are blameless, we will be raised to life also. As vessels filled with His gifted life and spirit, we are members of His one body raised to life. There can not be abuse of His grace within His body - it will not be joined to Him in disobedience and wickedness. In joining those due the authority of God under the authority of ungodly men in judgement to settle disputes, the bride of Christ is made a fornicator. (v14)
Even fornication, to make the bride of Christ into a polluted vessel (v15), or as in a figure of an individual, to join a believer in fornication to a harlot is perverting the true grace of God to bend it to a use for sin.(v16) In making the body of Christ into such an aberration - (as in unity or as one flesh with the authority of unbelievers) makes the whole body nothing of God's own. There is one Christ, one body raised to life in the truth - spiritual Israel - with its foremost heir Jesus Christ as its head. Therefore with the mind of Christ's obedience we are joined into eternal life in one spirit. (v17)
Paul advises them to flee from such severe pollution; all sin is outside eternal life by grace; but sinners as a body of an aberration - a vessel of sin would even cause (make) Christ to sin if he were to be joined to such a people.(v18) So then repentance is the end of eternal life - ministered to by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (v19) It requires us to motivate ourselves towards His ministration. We have to accept responsibility to repent. Christ was obedient to death to show himself blameless and an heir over all as first fruits of the resurrection; we will be tested also - we must repent to show ourselves fruitful by doing obedient (righteous - to glorify God) works in the eternal life (spirit) given us.
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