James Chapter 4
So, where do these divisions come from? Even from the lusts of the individual that God should be formed in such a manner as to allow the desires of the believers. (a classic "G v p" statement) (v1) Lusting, without need from God, desiring to have and never able to change God to give it them, arguing with each other over things they do not decide, because they have not asked God for His decision. (They have a different gospel and a different God - were they to be right before God they would have an answer.) (v2)
They ask, but ask not from faith that is godly, having a different gospel and a different God; because their God is made after the likeness of their desires. (v3) ("G v p" again) James calls them adulterers - that desires for worldly gratification is set against reconciliation to God. (It makes God inconsistent in one's faith) (v4) The heart of man is such that he brings his conceived God into subjection to his own desires (v5), but God gives more grace to correct these misconceptions. (v6) Therefore those whom have received correction properly are shown the election by grace.
Therefore one should submit themselves to the commandment and gospel of truth without "G v p" temptation, and resist the working of evil that causes such division, and be reconciled to God. (v7) Then that evil work will not be done again. Becoming close to God, (having no "G v p" misconceptions), then one has the correct gospel, and the correct God. One must be corrected in repentance of sin, as well as knowledge of truth. (v8)
The believer should realise they are in peril rather than justified before God if they are rejoicing in their division and their vain faith. (v9) Restore the faith that implies God is at liberty and sovereign, and God shall be a God to you. (v10)
James implores them not to be divided, since breaking the law of faith by not recognising brethren of the same law of faith makes that faith null. It renders the statement "p" as "I don't like that guy, he is not my brother" when He is your brother, and it isn't known to you. It doesn't recognise the other (but same)
faith as valid and all that matters: and is respect of persons (of oneself.) (v11) God knows who keeps the law and has correct faith, therefore men should not judge each other, because they judge that which is not seen, (faith)
Instead of trying different factional teachings, being tossed to and fro to see which particular doctrine is pleasing - (as to which would answer a "G v p" statement with fulfilment to the desires) (v13) (which is nothing, because worldly gratification is only for a short time) (v14) One should ask what the will of God is and live in it. (v15)
But in their divisions they have joy in their own desires being fulfilled according to what pleases them, not God. (v16) Which is carnal, and evil. It is better then to set God at liberty and in sovereignty.
To those then that have a correct faith, all these sins are therefore well defined to any that are trapped within. They are able to be repented of. (v17)
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