Ephesians Chapter 3
Paul writes that it is for this cause - the making of spiritual Israel from jew and gentile alike (there is no difference in Christ) that he is a prisoner - for his ministry to the gentiles. (v1)
If they have understood the grace of God Paul has been preaching to them, (given to Paul for them to understand.) (v2) How by revelation through the ministering of the Holy Spirit under grace Paul was made aware of the second coming and the increase of God's perfection towards us as His people; God; whose promises Paul explained previously in simple terms. (v3) By the same grace and Holy Spirit Paul prays they will likewise understand the purpose of God toward His people, (the mystery in Christ). (v4)
The second coming, the coming of the Father on the last day - even the gifts of the Holy Spirit were not made known before the coming of Jesus Christ in ages past, but this purpose is made known to the believers in Christ through the Holy Spirit by His apostles and prophets. (v5) To show that the ultimate ends of God's purpose are also to the gentiles alike, that they should be added into His people Israel through the gospel of grace. (v6) Paul was made a minister of this gospel to the gentiles, the gospel he preaches being in one accord to the same grace that the Lord has extended to Him - (for his past misdeeds - the Lord's strength is made perfect in weakness!) which is effective in its forgiveness and its justification upon Paul's faith, and faith only. (The Holy Spirit being given to Paul also.) (v7)
Paul states He is the least of all believers, but this grace is given Him to justify Him in the weakness of His past persecution of the church, to show that same grace of the Lord towards the gentiles who are saved by Christ also. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit to Paul, and also those gentiles that believe, comes the sure knowledge of God's purposes. (v8) To make one spiritual nation for the Lord from all men, both jew and gentile; to dwell with Him forever on earth as His people, (that is with the physical presence of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) (v9) This not being previously revealed to men but known to God only, who made all things by Christ, to purpose His work at the cross to later fulfil the condition that all authority both heavenly and earthly is come under the kingdom of God. (v10)
The Kingdom of God is now here after the resurrection, and all heavenly authority "sways" or promises that the elect will dwell with God as His people. (v11) This is the work of Jesus Christ (by whom we have access to God) through the righteousness imputed our faith for believing on Him. (after the manner of His own faithful example.) (v12)
Paul writes that the believers should not falter because they see Paul is a prisoner, - he is so for their benefit. (v13) So Paul is content to rest within the will of the Father of Jesus Christ in his tribulations. (v14) Paul prays to the Father of Jesus, (who is the promised seed of Abraham, by whom faith upon His example makes the sons and daughters of God the Father, heirs. (v15)) That through richness of the Spirit's ministration in gifts of a spiritual nature God would strengthen their faith and understanding. (v16) That Christ might be shown in their faith by their good works to each other, charity and edification. (v17) So that the understanding of all knowledge and its working out in good works (v18) and the love in Christ work to its end, the confidence and boldness of faith by which we are reconciled to God. (v19) That same reconciliation to God had by Paul.
Now, to God the Father who gives all good things according to the ministry and sighing of the Holy Spirit within us, Paul gives glory; throughout all fellowships of believers in Christ in all ages and in the world to come, unto God the Father be the glory of the work.
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