
Ephesians Chapter 4

Paul implores the believers to vigilantly remain obedient under the grace of the Holy Spirit (to repent and show charity to each other) (v1,v2) so that their unifying feature is not foremostly doctrine - but that they show they have the Holy Spirit after they are confirmed by the same doctrine. (v3) There is one body of Christ, it is not the 'doctrine kept' but the vessel of the Holy Spirit - the Lord's temple. (v4) He implies if you strive to obey the Spirit in truth, then correctness will find its way into you from God. There is one Lord, faith and baptism, one Father of all who is supreme (v5,v6) To every believer is given grace to the fullest limit in Christ. (v7) When Christ rules in the heavens, then is the grace and gifts of the Spirit ours, as God does not go backwards, the Holy Spirit is with us here physically now. (v8)

Paul asserts more than merely that Jesus Christ is perfect - from the far depths of the past to the eternity in the future (v9,v10) As coming down amongst us and ascending to heaven is the same as saying he ascended far above all creation. To wit, all things are created new. (Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.) Then we are ministered to powerfully.

Having led us into grace He has given gifts to our requirement (v11) for keeping the body of Christ redeemed and strong in the eternal life ministered to by the Holy Spirit amongst us and by us to each other in edification. (v12) To the purpose that we all come into the Holy Spirit - sealed with eternal life every one of us into the good likeness of Jesus's faith and behaviour. (v13) That we stand firm in eternal life, not swayed by the baser things of this world. (v14) But speaking truth edifying each other out of charity that we all might come into sure knowledge of our inheritance in the spiritual likeness of Christ. (v15)

That the work of the Lord be like a fitly framed building, where there are three separate parts; one which receives the weight, one which supplies it through each joint, and each joint made to its own fashion to take the strain of the weight it bears and delivers. In this way we would see Paul's "More excellent way" from 1Cor ch13. We see in these three things the temple of charity fashioned after the likeness of the ministered to and corrected, the truth being taught by a minister and the spiritual gift that confirms and edifies the believer to His correction. (v16) I chose to order these this way, because the burden is upon the believer to correct himself when he is corrected by another - the sheep know Jesus' voice, the truth will surely make you free. Because every frame of a building is made in this manner, the temple is stretched out by the ministration of the Holy Spirit through believers one to another also, as compared to just within them individually.

Paul testifies that they should not walk then as other gentiles do; concerned only with their own perception of earthly things. (v17) They are blind to the truth of things in the life of God because they are not just ignorant, but they are blind to the truth - they have not received the love of the truth in themselves that they might be corrected. (v18) Therefore they commit all manner of sins, being only concerned with pleasing themselves and not God. (v19) But the believers have not learned such things from Christ (v20)

For if a believer has heard Christ's voice and been taught by Him to be corrective upon oneself, as proper understanding of God is only in Christ Jesus (v21) We are assured that we can put off all former behaviour that was displeasing to God (v22) (because not only is it possible, but through the ministration of the Holy Spirit (v23) we have God to help us!) So we will be eventually correct in faith and behaviour. (v24)

Paul then shows them the requirements of living blameless one to another, the simple laws of charity and edification to build each other up in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Stop lying to each other (v25), don't hold grudges, (v26) don't sway towards temptation, (v27) don't steal, but rather work instead to supply another's want. (v28) do not use vile language (v29) but edify others as to the truth, so that the mouth can be better put to minister grace.

Paul commands them not to grieve the Holy Spirit, by remaining sinful - because God's Spirit works with us to bring us into the day of our individual redemption. (By grace are ye saved) (v30) Let all strife amongst fellow believers be done away with, ie, anything of malice. (v31). Be kind instead, tender - forgiving each other, even as God (for the sake that Christ have co-heirs) has now forgiven you.

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