
1 Corinthians Chapter 14

Under the K4 structure of the last chapter - there is a unique spiritual gift that confirms the truth in the ministry of the gospel to those that require strengthening from the Holy Spirit. By strengthening the weaker in faith appropriately, we may identify the best gift in each occasion between any two individuals as from the charity of God. This perfect gift edifies both the confidence of the weaker to fulfil their hope as well as confirming the stronger before all as grounded in the love of the truth. This gift is prophecy. Likewise were there a perfect intercession from a third individual with a spiritual gift that holds with the K4 structure, we could consider this alike to interpretation of tongues between two that understand none of each other.

Since after the charity of individuals and within the charity of God, the Lord is mighty to build up the temple of believers His gift s being perfectly suited, desire such a gift of prophecy. (v1) For if that which is spoken is not understandable, being in tongues it is not a gift for others, but within the spirit of the believer he speaks to none other but God. (v2) There is no ministration in such a gift to others (v3). The gift is only to build the faith of the speaker. (v4) Whereas to minister charitably through prophesy is to strengthen ministry across all believers in their several pairs. (v5).

Whilst Paul hopes all have spiritual gifts he would rather they have that which is perfect for the benefit of others. Paul would not benefit any were he to minister in a fashion that they would not understand and be edified by. (v6) He makes an analogy to instruments being indiscernable as music without distinctions in pitch etc, (v7,v8) Likewise prophecy so, to be effective by being understood (v9) There are many voices also, and many forms by which people may be understood, (v10) Two men who do not understand each other are not edified (v10). And will seem like foreigners to each other otherwise. (v11)

So as there are many such voices - and many gifts therefore, make sure gifts are used to edify in ministration to build up the whole body of Christ. (v12) Desire to interpret your tongues yourselves therefore. (v13) Otherwise you understand not and fail to edify yourself. (v14) Doing both you may edify yourself (v15) by praying with your own understanding which profits yourself, not as without knowing for what you pray. Likewise be understood to others so they may be edified. (v16) For you may praise God either way, but unless it is done to be understood by those who hear they are not edified. (v17)

Paul thanks God he speaks in tongues and has more abundant gifts than they all, (v18) but he would rather speak a few words to edify all than thousands (as merely to himself) without their understanding. (v19) He advises them to be children only towards malice (which acts against their charity to others) and not to be childish to each other as by their own unformed understanding, butin full grown understanding of their ministry through prophecy (in spiritual gifts) (v20)

Tongues without interpretation are a sign for those that do not believe, rather than to build up the faith of those that already believe.(v21,v22) If all speak in tongues without interpretation, an unbeliever will not understand what is going on. (v23) But if they all prophesy he will have been the target of every spiritual gift with power and he will be shocked and convicted. (v24,v25)

However, every separate one of them has a diversity of spiritual gifts, which may or may not be understood by those in their fellowship; (v26) But each can be made edifying to all through interpretation or prophesying. (v27-v30) So that any may prophesy, all may learn the gospel appropriately (v31)- even those well grounded in knowledge may be ministered to by the gift of prophesy through the Holy Spirit. (v32) (To the edification of all by all towards the same Lord and the same gospel.) (v33)

After the pattern then of priestly patriarchal authority, Paul cautions women to remain silent as the man is the priestly patriarchal office in the Lord's model, God to Christ to His bride. (v34) Let them question doctrine at home from their husbands. (v35) Likewise we enquire to God through Christ and by Christ.

Paul warns them that the words of prophecy came to them from the Holy Spirit and from them themselves (v36) Thus the above is a commandment from God and should not be objected to - unless of course a man is assured he is a prophet told otherwise from God. (v37)

Likewise all in this chapter are commandments from the Lord - that gifts should be arrayed within the believers - so that each gift is lent towards edification by interpretation or directly through prophesying. If a man be yet ignorant with interpretation however, let him remain so.(v39) So prophesying - that perfect ministration for every occasion is a spiritual gift to be greatly desired - do not forbid tongues either, for another can interpret to edify. Let all gifts be ministered in order as set out to edify justly with understanding and judgement.

Therefore instruction is to charitably approach spiritual gifts to edify all. Thus the K4 structure from the previous chapter is upheld. Even in prophecy itself; for let a third prophet judge two others.. (v29,v30)

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