The Scope Of Wrath
All seven viols are poured out on the earth - that is; the coset of the static subgroup: so we expect (with a=1 as the bowl given from one of the beasts) that as the static subgroup is comprised of (a,b,c)(a,d,e)(a,f,g) then the coset would be the other four groups and also our three remaining bowls are the cosets of those groups, so (a,b,c) becomes [d,e,f,g] etc.
However although all seven bowls are poured out on the earth, (signifying these cosets) The octals in which they are poured out differ from bowl to bowl so that the winepress may be trodden out.
So the first bowl poured out upon the earth is equivalent to the sum of the singleton "a" with the seven cosets (of each plausible static subgroup) in the sun octal. So poured out on the cosets:
[a,c,e,g] + a
[b,f,a,e] + a
[d,g,b,a] + a
[c,e,d,b] + a
[f,a,c,d] + a
[g,b,f,c] + a
[e,d,g,f] + a
Now as an example we take the first row [a,c,e,g] as our "earth". The second trumpet is poured out upon the sea, and we generate the three octals as in the second trump (note these are poured out on the sea) So that the bold triples of each of the three octals:
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
correspond to the three parts of the second trump and form the third trump with the reference octal above. So we use what was previously the left hand as the right and vice versa)
a = (c,e,g) = [b,d,f]
c = (b,d,e) = [a,f,g] !
e = (d,f,g) = [a,b,c] ¬
d = (a,b,g) = [c,e,f]
g = (b,c,f) = [a,d,e] £
b = (a,e,f) = [c,d,g]
f = (a,c,d) = [b,e,g]
The above octal in this case is an example of one group of the previous seven poured out "on the earth". There are four such sets of seven under the first trumpet device: (There are four choices as unity is free to float to one of four elements in the coset.) As below, we take one such element with the static subgroup (c,e,g) = a or b or d or f. The latter three form out second trumpet device.
e = (d,f,g) = [a,b,c] ¬
d = (b,c,f) = [a,e,g]
f = (a,b,g) = [c,d,e]
b = (c,e,g) = [a,d,f]
g = (a,c,d) = [b,e,f] $
c = (a,e,f) = [b,d,g] ^
= (b,d,e) = [c,f,g]
g = (b,c,f) = [a,d,e] £
b = (a,c,d) = [e,f,g]
c = (a,e,f) = [b,d,g] ^
a = (d,f,g) = [b,c,e]
f = (b,d,e) = [a,c,g]
d = (c,e,g) = [a,b,f]
e = (a,b,g) = [c,d,f] *
c = (b,d,e) = [a,f,g] !
b = (d,f,g) = [a,c,e]
d = (a,e,f) = [b,c,g]
f = (c,e,g) = [a,b,d]
e = (a,b,g) = [c,d,f] *
g = (a,c,d) = [b,e,f] $
a = (b,c,f) = [d,e,g]
And the symbols ¬, ! and £ form our wormwood "fills" with the earth. (our representative from the first viol).
The combination of first and second trump devices lead to wormwood "fills" as below.
c = (b,d,e) = [a,f,g] !
e = (d,f,g) = [a,b,c] ¬
g = (b,c,f) = [a,d,e] £
c = (a,e,f) = [b,d,g] ^
e = (d,f,g) = [a,b,c] ¬
g = (a,c,d) = [b,e,f] $
c = (a,e,f) = [b,d,g] ^
e = (a,b,g) = [c,d,f] *
g = (b,c,f) = [a,d,e] £
c = (b,d,e) = [a,f,g] !
e = (a,b,g) = [c,d,f] *
g = (a,c,d) = [b,e,f] $
Now, the groups on the right hand column all belong to the one octal (a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f). We recognise this from the sixth trump: as the situation in view with the death of the two witnesses. The "rivers" represented by the coset acted upon downwards by the reference seven cycle (in this case used in our "earth") are as the last four columns of:
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(b,d,f), (b,c,a), (b,g,e), (d,a,g), (d,c,e), (f,a,e), (f,c,g)
(d,c,g), (b,d,f), (d,e,a), (c,b,e), (c,f,a), (g,b,a), (g,f,e)
(c,f,e), (d,c,g), (c,a,b), (f,d,a), (f,g,b), (e,d,b), (e,g,a)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
(g,e,b), (f,g,a), (g,d,c), (e,f,d), (e,a,c), (b,f,c), (b,a,d)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
Where the leftmost three columns all belong to our reference octal. We appear to have generated the rows of the above in completeness by the combination of the first two viols.
Now, the water of the rivers is become as the "blood of a dead man". I.e, What should be in the reference octal above as the association
c = (b,d,e) = [a,f,g]
e = (d,f,g) = [a,b,c]
g = (b,c,f) = [a,d,e]
In this latter octal (a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f) we actually have (c,e,g) as a subgroup only. This shows in the reference octal the "blood" (that mingles hail and fire) is exchanged with the static subgroup of this octal and vice versa.
the associations...
c = [a,f,g] = (b,d,e)
e = [a,b,c] = (d,f,g)
g = [a,d,e] = (b,c,f)
are exchanged with...
c = [a,f,g] = (b,d,e)
e = [a,b,c] = (d,f,g)
f =
[a,d,e] = (b,c,g)
...amongst each pair of "sun" (or reference) octal and the octal that contains the wormwood fills. For the shed "blood" of the witnesses, (namely c,e, and g that correspond to (a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g)) Those dwelling in in the "rivers" (the rightmost four columns above) are given the same elements as to turn each triple in the sea (c,e,g) to blood in the reference octal. Likewise, the group elements from the reference octal (the "water") now becomes blood to drink: the blood of the wormwood octal (as (c,e,f) here) is present in the reference octal as a subgroup: So what are in truth waters are blood to the dwellers in the wormwood system. (Water and blood is exchanged)
Now, the fourth viol is poured out upon the sun: and we may assume that in our groups above; we may look again at the winepress thus far...
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(b,d,f), (b,c,a), (b,g,e), (d,a,g), (d,c,e), (f,a,e), (f,c,g)
(d,c,g), (b,d,f), (d,e,a), (c,b,e), (c,f,a), (g,b,a), (g,f,e)
(c,f,e), (d,c,g), (c,a,b), (f,d,a), (f,g,b), (e,d,b), (e,g,a)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
(g,e,b), (f,g,a), (g,d,c), (e,f,d), (e,a,c), (b,f,c), (b,a,d)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
The leftmost three columns represent our "sun" so we could reorder the rows to form an octal in columns:
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
(b,d,f), (b,c,a), (b,g,e), (d,a,g), (d,c,e), (f,a,e), (f,c,g)
(d,c,g), (b,d,f), (d,e,a), (c,b,e), (c,f,a), (g,b,a), (g,f,e)
(c,f,e), (d,c,g), (c,a,b), (f,d,a), (f,g,b), (e,d,b), (e,g,a)
(g,e,b), (f,g,a), (g,d,c), (e,f,d), (e,a,c), (b,f,c), (b,a,d)
Now, given a=1 and (b,d,f) static we have that the column in bold forms an octal group in reversal with (a,b,g),(b,d,e),(b,c,f). So it is not true that every column is "scorched" with the heat of the sun, (That the other columns do not form octal groups.) Whilst the three columns to the left form octals under our seven cycle, only one of the four remaining columns actually does so. Now, the choice of seven cycle used as for the "sun" dictates which columns do or do not form octal groups: Thus we can see how the name of God is blasphemed and that God really has power over these plagues (floating unity or by walking through the candlesticks).
The column in bold is in opposition (reversal) to the octal in the first three columns and is in alignment with the singletons of the seven cycle. It is then the case that the bold column is the recipient of "great heat".
The three columns that do not form octal groups are those that are scorched (partly burnt?) with great heat: To mix metaphors the multiplication used on those columns is "not a natural operation" of multiplication on those sets, so is a "great heat". Those dwelling within do not repent to give God glory by moving into the column(s) that has that octal structure: (Though this is where they will end up as the winepress is trodden, it being the "earth" of the first viol by which men are covered with sores.)
The fifth angel pours out his viol upon the seat of the beast: This (as from before) is the balances formed of the dialectic process itself. The beast also rises up from the sea: We can then state that the only octal of any note in the "sea" is the column in bold above that acts as it were "blood" in the reference octal. (As the left hand for the particular seven cycle used above.)
Now the above construction with the case a = (b,d,f) = [c,e,g] = 1 as used to generate this particular table with that particular column in bold: There are 666 such bows or triples outside of that association. (They form the "seat of the beast".)
Then the "seat of the beast" is the equivalent triples outside of the left hand association (the bold column) and not in "the sun" Thus the three rightmost columns not in bold are the "seat of the beast"
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
(b,d,f), (b,c,a), (b,g,e), (d,a,g), (d,c,e), (f,a,e), (f,c,g)
(d,c,g), (b,d,f), (d,e,a), (c,b,e), (c,f,a), (g,b,a), (g,f,e)
(c,f,e), (d,c,g), (c,a,b), (f,d,a), (f,g,b), (e,d,b), (e,g,a)
(g,e,b), (f,g,a), (g,d,c), (e,f,d), (e,a,c), (b,f,c), (b,a,d)
I have not coloured all but the group (c,e,g) in the second from right column, as I chose to leave unity free to float under the seven cycle (a,b,d,c,f,g,e). This is part and parcel of the construction I used.
Then the only dwelling place outside of the "sun" that is not similarly burnt (scorched) are the bold columns - but these have no octal operation so under the seven cycle they are "full of darkness". Here, we see in the wrath the same construction as by the serpents but applied as it were an "antidote" or case in point that is actually in God's favour: satan's house doesn't stand up to scrutiny, as the system satan uses is reliant on God, over whom satan has no power.
So, if there is no place left but with great heat to be scorched by, or to be then contorted by a seven cycle with an operation not natural to the octal, (to be twisted under seven cycle as the locusts had sought to twist the seven cycle) as judged to gnaw ones own tongue for pain: there is only the earthy column second from right: This was that set upon which the first angel poured out his viol: and in the text we see the same blasphemy and the same sores on all those in this system. - Blaspheming because of their pains within those triples numbering 666 that are within the three bold columns above.
The sixth viol is poured out upon the great river euphrates - in view as the four possible left hand octals, thus every possible candidate in the (here as if 666) system for the column second from right above. This is done in order for the 30 octals to align in one isomorphic field GF(8).
There is no structural preference for one left hand column over another. (There are 8 possible C7 groups over an octal that may act as multiplication preserving subgroups. We should rather note that in pairs they hold one of four bows static in the coset of the static subgroup.)
What does this entail? If there is no preference across the whole set of 666 bows as to the set of four rightmost columns above with one "sun" octal: then as there is no intersection in the above rightmost four columns: then such a set of waters has "dried up". Either there are no "left hands" remaining (The rightmost columns are all as bad as each other.) or one is "special", as the river euphrates.
Alternatively the wrath may increase again in scope: Each left hand again has four possible right hand candidates depending on choice of unity and static subgroup. We saw this as the river euphrates earlier in the revelation. The second column from right becomes as uninhabitable as the other bold columns. Then, we see that our columns become a method of traversing the rows, where we have an alignment in octals,.. we would think of the rows as if they aligned in columns as the "way of the kings of the east" prepared ready for following that star (static subgroup or unity);
(a,b,c), (a,d,e), (a,f,g), (b,e,f), (b,d,g), (c,e,g), (c,d,f)
(e,a,d), (g,e,b), (e,c,f), (a,g,c), (a,b,f), (d,g,f), (d,b,c)
(f,g,a), (c,f,e), (f,b,d), (g,c,b), (g,e,d), (a,c,d), (a,e,b)
(b,d,f), (b,c,a), (b,g,e), (d,a,g), (d,c,e), (f,a,e), (f,c,g)
(d,c,g), (b,d,f), (d,e,a), (c,b,e), (c,f,a), (g,b,a), (g,f,e)
(c,f,e), (d,c,g), (c,a,b), (f,d,a), (f,g,b), (e,d,b), (e,g,a)
(g,e,b), (f,g,a), (g,d,c), (e,f,d), (e,a,c), (b,f,c), (b,a,d)
becomes on transposing rows to columns;
(a,b,c),(e,a,d), (f,g,a), (b,d,f), (d,c,g), (c,f,e), (g,e,b)
(a,d,e), (g,e,b), (c,f,e), (b,c,a), (b,d,f), (d,c,g), (f,g,a)
(e,c,f), (f,b,d), (b.g.e), (d,e,a), (c,a,b), (g,d,c)
(b,e,f), (a,g,c), (g,c,b), (d,a,g), (c,b,e), (f,d,a), (e,f,d)
(b,d,g), (a,b,f), (g,e,d), (d,c,e), (c,f,a), (f,g,b), (e,a,c)
(c,e,g), (d,g,f), (a,c,d), (f,a,e), (g,b,a), (e,d,b), (b,f,c)
(c,d,f), (d,b,c), (a,e,b), (f,c,g), (g,f,e), (e,g,a), (b,a,d)
Which rearrange to the rows;
(a,b,c),(e,a,d), (f,g,a), (b,d,f), (d,c,g), (c,f,e), (g,e,b)
(a,d,e), (g,e,b), (c,f,e), (b,c,a), (b,d,f), (d,c,g), (f,g,a)
(e,c,f), (f,b,d), (b.g.e), (d,e,a), (c,a,b), (g,d,c)
(c,e,g), (d,g,f), (a,c,d), (f,a,e), (g,b,a), (e,d,b), (b,f,c) (static subgroup)
(b,e,f), (a,g,c), (g,c,b), (d,a,g), (c,b,e), (f,d,a), (e,f,d)
(b,d,g), (a,b,f), (g,e,d), (d,c,e), (c,f,a), (f,g,b), (e,a,c)
(c,d,f), (d,b,c), (a,e,b), (f,c,g), (g,f,e), (e,g,a), (b,a,d)
Where the middle row would correspond to "unity" i.e. contains the appropriate static subgroup for this rearranged system. In this manner the "rivers" become the "way of the kings of the east".
Within the text we see three spirits as frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, beast and false prophet. Frogs, are creatures that live in rivers and on the land: Thus we may expect some movement in the earthy elements (the bottom four rows.) The false prophet rises up from the earth so we expect one spirit to motivate the bottom four rows in columns. The beast rises up from the sea so we would expect a similar movement, but using candidates in rows (now that they are aligned.) Lastly, the dragon (whose tail is found in the accumulation of the seals) would be found in the wider system of 666: At the very least because of the seals we would expect the dragon to act as if shifting the unity, implying movement on the earth (and rivers) and across the sea.
Thus the dragon is that which permutes the four earthy elements to make one of four triples (bows) whereas the beast and false prophet operate the dialectic on those three bows. (I.e. the dialectic method is sustained for the last and final battle.) The spirits (frogs) work miracles as there is no closed operation on the four earthy elements: Each "sum" of subgroups gives one of the subgroups containing unity. Then the alignment of every octal in the wrath requires as it were a miracle to overcome, but the deception of it is done by the diabolical three.
These three spirits go to the kings of the earth (as the action of the false prophet) across every set of four "earthy elements" in the sea, i.e. the kings of the whole world, (the action of the beast across the seas) and across those similar octals constructed with a different choice of unity (the action of the dragon's "lies" or the dialectic devices of the first four seals.)
In being gathered together in the alignment to the four earthy elements of the reference octal, the unity element (the place of the elect) is separated from the singletons of the earthy elements: Yet we see the dragon lie as to whom is elect, and in our static triples we have elements of the left hand only. There is then the setup for the final battle over the matter. (God will fight for His own.) The vine of the earth, (The inheritance of the saints) is ready for reaping - and the ownership of the inheritance is that which is under question. (blood is transformed to water and vice-versa.)
That which would consider itself elect in the wormwood system is as the static subgroup or octal row containing (c,e,g), yet the true elect are found in Christ as in the group under K4 addition of (a,b,c)(a,d,e)(a,f,g) that correspond to the unity element in both the reference octal (and thence [b,d,f]) as well as this wormwood system.
God it does appear, may not be robbed of His name so easily. Those that reside in Christ and keep their robes (unity - the righteousness of the lamb as slain before the throne) from being defiled are saved, but also are not as "unity" in the wormwood system, they are within the three groups containing unity from the reference octal: (We must not mix up our reference octal with this system.) Those that watch and keep their garments are far better off than those that would align to unity in the wormwood system; that are given "blood to drink." Election in the reference octal is present only in the top three rows above. (And not in the static triple in the wormwood system, equivalent to walking "naked" and being seen in a shameful state.)
Then the equivalence of all 5040 possible octals would appear to be constructed across the full system of every possible reference octal. Then the left and right octals are isomorphic: and we have no preference of which hand is on the left and which is on the right. In effect we now have two systems of 666, one to the left and one to the right all we are left with is a reference of two triples, a = (b,d,f) = [c,e,g] for instance. Or equivalently the groups a = 1 = [(a,b,c),(a,d,e),(a,f,g)]
Then, all that remains in the centre is the king of the north as in the 1335 days in the book of Daniel. (He may plant his tabernacle between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; but he will come to his end and none shall help him.)
In any case, Jesus has preserved His elect without us realising that they dwell in "heavenly places with Christ" ((a,b,c,)(a,d,e)(a,f,g)) rather than the four earthy elements of the wormwood system: and the whole earth is confused as to whom is elect (as unity).
Thus they are gathered together for a collision that is decided only by the judgement of God: it is a battle that can not be won except by God intervening. Armageddon is such an event: God must intervene in the battle, else no flesh is saved.
The seventh angel pours out his viol into the air: We see that the "air" or spirit was present in the fifth trump and was obscured by the smoke of the pit. However the spirit (air) represents the alignment of the 30 octals in all their multiplications (5040 total) and the whole system is reduced to one isomorphism of GF(8).
Thus the complement of the sun octal in the sea is empty or {}. So,.. There is a huge earthquake, thunders, lightings and voices, (movements of earth and heaven, falls and judgements respectively) The city of babylon then divides into three parts; The tabernacle planted between the seas in the glorious holy mountain: namely in our reference case the three parts a = (b,d,f) = [c,e,g]. One is in the centre and the other parts (triples) cause a numbering to 666 to both the left and right in the sea.
We see similar imagery to Daniel's vision, for the "cities of the nations fell". I.e. the static subgroup of some octals are the bow of some other: thus those that are "earthy" really fall, and those that are in Christ are properly sustained. The "cities" are as it were the "fortress" of the king of the north or of the south. No fortress of safety at all when they properly align with the earthy elements (Under the judgement of God).
Babylon then comes into remembrance: for it has exited the scene as unable to be constructed and the missing twelve elements of S4 to be added to complete it (to shut the door) is the fierceness of the Lord's wrath: in one move it damns the whole system to the lake of fire, or ejection from the reference octal and its seven cycle.
Every island fled away, (an Island is a small earth in the sea: - analogous to [c,e,g]) so that every triple becomes part of the "sun" - there is now no "left hand" only the K4 form in the centre and the earthy elements here become where the Lord has His footstool. Then the "Mountains were not found". We see the mountains upon which the woman has her places of worship are gone. These are not the kingdoms of the first beast or dragon but are false doctrines of the "church" that is in the image. (The little horn state has survived the seven kingdoms of the dragon and the false doctrine in the church is the "mountain".) Which doctrine is leavened the church whole.
If every mountain is gone: then also are those elements in the octal corresponding to the circuit of the angel: seen in the lampstand of laodicea before the throne of God. Only now remaining is the unity element of the slain lamb. In this we see the two parts cut off not present in the octal structure (of GF(8)) but present only in the K4 form of the filter. Thus six "churches" or "mountains" are now gone: and only the one unity remains as Christ triune. (in both the reference octal and the wormwood system a = (a,b,c)(a,d,e)(a,f,g). Every other group is both in either left and right hands, so if there is one isomorphic octal across the sea and they align as under the seven cycles, then there is no more "octal" (no more sea) and only the K4 group remains.
So, a great hailstorm occurs, which we liken to the reference octal as our "hail column". There is no "fire" if there is no more "left hand", only the right. The alignment of every field GF(8) multiplies the hail as opposed to what would be previously fire. Every octal is therefore under a seven cycle in alignment so the "hail" is greater than any before it in the revelation.
The ability to find rest in Christ - (to be saved) is blasphemed by those that have no rest, they having only "blood to drink" and sitting in the centre of two systems of 666 to left and right, they refuse to repent, and we see the "talent" in reference to the token of election within the hail itself. The world could and should repent but prefer the devices of the dragon to the salvation of God.
The hail itself as a singleton is the intersection of the three groups common to both octals. So a = (a,b,c)(a,d,e)(a,f,g) has "a" as the hailstone, and is the same as the floating unity in whatever row, so a token of salvation when we consider the fact that Babylon is come into remembrance. With the judgement entailing the mountains as not found and the islands (false rest in a "bow") fleeing away, we are reminded that these elements in the octal correspond to the churches of the angel's circuit, rather than "the whole world".
Under the single seven cycle of GF(8)'s operation we have every octal in alignment under a great plague of hail, every stone about the weight of a talent. In truth, the cost of the shed blood of every martyr from Abel to this day fall upon the heads of those that do the deeds of the dragon for him. In continuing to use those devices (those in the earth become as the three frogs performing miracles) They blaspheme the one God without repentance.
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