In Summation
Gabriel's words to Daniel closing the interpretation are as follows;
-- Click To Expand/Collapse Bible Verses -- Dan ch8:v23-27
Dan 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
Dan 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
Dan 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Dan 8:26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
Dan 8:27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.
In retrospect of the math on the last page, this is more like a history lesson! The selection above relates how under the line of Greek rulers of their country, when those who transgress the commandments of the law (Those jews who would rather live as Greeks without the law of Moses) are at their highest influence, God enables a Greek king to inherit this full strength over the people of Israel.
By supplanting the place of "the prince of the host" he held hijacked the temple, using the power of that position to desecrate the sanctuary and in one move destroy the operation of the jewish religion. (To destroy "wonderfully" by subverting the use of the power of the law (not his own but God's law) over Israel.). In doing so, by continuing the gathering together into the host of those who would be as Greeks the king uses the subtlety of his forebears whom offered the Grecian way of life as an attractive alternative to the OT law.
These "subtle tricks" of speech as well as the guile and deception he employed - "dark sentences" - facilitated the exit of people towards the Greek way of life even whilst he was interrupting the operation of the temple. By his "policy" he multiplied the deceit that the Greeks "had it better" - even causing it to increase his "host" (craft prospering in his hand), to the point where he makes himself in his heart to be God's equal. (v25).
However, even with Christ as unity removed from the set of elements in GF(8) there is still the possibility that the law can still be kept, and the suggestion that it is "a relic of an outmoded belief system" which is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, though it be loud in the ear, has no logical effect. Antiochus is mortal, and time passes, but as Christ stated, not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law. Heaven is still a place where God's will is done, and the law survives Antiochus' reign.
The startling part in the above verses is at the close of v24. The holy people are completely "destroyed". There is not left one, not one octal left without being underfoot by Antiochus having supplanted Christ (of 2300 possible) except for that single Holy one uninterrupted in heaven. In resisting Antiochus without deposing him they were transgressing the law shifting (also transgressing) from octal to octal without choice: It was thanks to the Maccabees that Antiochus was finally deposed.
God had finished testing Israel to their limit upon their strength in holding to His law in this vision, and not holding to ancient traditions that make them irrelevant as a people. God, was testing them on the basis that their virtue to keep the law was greater than the seduction of the Grecian life. That virtue found in Christ is as the unity element before God - Antiochus had replaced it so it could not be restored without a fight. As both the "holy" and "mighty" people were defeated, holding the Jews to ransom with the temple (and not one yet built in Daniel's day.) is a great test of their character - destroy your status as God's people or destroy the physical attachment with God though the sanctuary with it's destruction, all the while the sanctuary is empty of the Lord's presence.
No wonder then that Daniel fainted and felt sick, and all his strength left him - Daniel was not "In the know" that the physical presence of God was about to be promised once more in the person of Jesus Christ, and that "God's people" would include many Greeks and other nations also! God's people could not be held to ransom on Jesus' gifts of eternal life, after which the heavenly sanctuary is cleansed once and forever.
The "vision of the evening and morning" which is told is true: We note the similarity to the testing of creation in the genesis account, showing an "easing off" and "new work" in the creation account refers to testing. God removed himself to test them, and will return to them also with the cleansing of the sanctuary. (Which happens with Christ). Therefore the 2300 days is actually a measure of "heavenly time" that ends at the cross: It ends at the moment when Christ's elect are chosen without the lukewarm or spiritually cold carried along by physical attachment of bloodline.
There will be no "host against the sacrifice" for Jesus' sacrifice is once only and for all - and the election of God is stringent and limited to true or false,.. there is no "fuzzy logic" in it. The device of the enemy that was employed - those dark sentences are tried and put under Jesus' feet.
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