The Abstraction Of Daniel's Vision
Daniel was clearly answered by Christ, whose strikingly accurate message of prophecy to Daniel fills the content of the remaining passage. Daniel is assured that His vision of Christ is of a real individual - and that Christ, sat at the right hand of the Father is indeed God Himself. The kings of the north and south are in the passage shown to function after the pattern of Christ's K4 form and the octal under its various multiplications.
What is most important to note is that Christ in Daniel's vision states he warred with the prince of persia, and would return to fight with the same spiritual enemy - after which the "prince of greece" will come - presumably another prince he will fight.
Christ it seems is fighting for the sake that his kingdom in abstraction is not created in a worldly setting before his advent. If such a structure was set up then He would be lessened - even perhaps completely undermined by it in His future ministry. Fundamental then to the prophecy are the attempts to complete the abstraction (the vision) by Christ’s enemies - which are defeated by Christ in His battle against those enemies. So, it is no surprise that these attempts of the enemy to physically manifest Christ’s kingdom fail. That is - the physical fulfilment of the abstraction is thwarted - and even more so - the historic fulfilment does not match the abstraction because of Christ "warring" against it!
So - if these abstractions are prevented from occurring - then Christ has both won and fulfilled the words of the prophecy - and prevented the instantiation of the abstraction whilst keeping all his words fulfilled. Daniel, a man greatly beloved is shown that Christ will not share His glory with another. It is a certainty that Christ warred to prevent every attempt to set up the abstraction, thwarting the enemy and deliberately so that the vision (the abstract) is not set up historically, unless by Himself.
The bottom line? The fulfilment does not match the abstraction!
We may simply write the octal out in the following fashion;
a = 1
Where the "king of the north" is the static subgroup [b,d,f] wiht a = 1 and the king of the south is the antichrist "bow" {c,e,g}. Likewise the alternate system of the left hand where [c,e,g] is the static subgroup and {b,d,f} merely a static "bow" is also in view. The "fortress" of either king refers to the hand in which he - or his fortress is the static subgroup.
Places in the text where the multitude of one king or the other is "stirred up" refers to the rallying of the various pairs of unity and static bow against the fortress of the other, so that by "stirred up" we refer to the multitude comprised of the broader sets
a = 1 or c = 1 or e = 1 or g = 1
{c,e,g}, {a,e,g}, {a,c,g}, {a,c,e} comprising the greater multitude.
Then, when an army is overflown or "swept through" by the forces of the other, then the floating unity element sweeps thorugh the four possible triples of the fortress (now a coset) that has fallen, and the victorious king stands in battle as if he were then apart in his fortress.
When the kings meet in battle the element usually in view between the forces - the identity (unity) - is as it were, the "battlefield".
Now this is not to say that Christ is the king of the north or even the south - what Daniel's vision was of, was the relevance of his vision of Christ - to show that God rules over the affairs of men whether they deduce Him to do so or not.
There is a huge amount of detail in the passage and I will split it amongst the next few sections, (as there is always an adequate explanation for the text) - and although the historical interpretation is not given here - there are many sites online that will fill in the historical details of the prophecy leading up to the cross, (Some would still yet await the ships of chittim.) Or even further fuilfilment in the new testament in the modern NT timeline.
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