Death, Hell And The Earth
Death we see as the rider on the horses of the first three seals. The balances of the third seal are completely contradicted by the remaining last horse that may be constructed. {c,e,g}=>{a,e,g}<={a,c,g} as a set of balances does in no way agree as a method with g=1 and {a,e,c} static. This latter operation is the antithesis in the double minded man or as dragonspeak in the mouth of the heresiarch or facilitator.
This contradiction, that wine and oil are reversed from "if c is true then synthesis on g" reversed to "if g is true then synthesis on c" shows that in no case does it work as a logical method. Were it true that c=1 implies that the synthesis is also doctrine: we would have to concede that the opposite that g is doctrine implies that synthesis on c is doctrine. Of course c<=>g is not at all necessarily true when by synthesis the facts (or "c" as oil or doctrine) are excluded altogether!
That Jesus Christ in the construction is the express person of the Godhead shows that the dialectic method itself which numbers as Death to 666 is an "empty set". The synthesis itself is not a logical deduction: the method reveals that after 665 "bows" have been strung together the 666th is immediately apparant as a contradiction. Then it can be said that ~N~(x & ~Syn). Where 'Syn' is the dialectic balance as a method of deduction.
Likewise we can see Peter sifted as wheat, in that contradicting Christ three times is corrected by a fourth when he wept bitterly: The first three dialectic balances are proven false on the person of rest (unity) in Christ. The static subgroup remaining was incompatible with its predecessors and was the spirit of Death: and Peter as wheat was sifted to the point where God's election of Peter corrected him.
In this then - that Jesus contradicts the efficacy of the dialectic balance as a method of deduction shows Him to be a God of truth.
Hell is the Spirit that seeks to instantiate the fourth dialectic "balance" using the carnality of man to place himself "in the gap" of complete oppostition to Christ. The sensual construction is to tempt as the serpent tempted Eve, (along with choices of "oil and wine" from {a,c,e,g}) so that the argument may be made as to c => (Syn on g) versus g => (Syn on c). Neither are logical or deduced, but act as a game of punch and judy wherein men may be caught to sin as "a captive audience".
Hell follows after the removal of restraint upon the fourth seal being opened: It fills carnally the gap left by Death. The instantiation of a fourth dialectic is not possible without revealing either the first three balances are as a false method, or that the man is false. In becoming captive to this synthetic system, the church is not just the target of this spirit of "Hell" but actually becomes the vessel for the spirit itself.
"Death" then as the rider on the horse(s) is antichrist and then "Hell" is the spirit of the false prophet. Death will seek to kill and destroy (through falsely assumed authority over religion, conflict, dialogue and death itself.) Hell, however does not have any ability to kill, it requiring carnality to function. Rather it desires that the system of dialectic balances entreat it's opposite to dialogue, so it will attempt to court those with the authority to kill in order to perpetuate its own relationship over those to whom it has sway. Spiritually "Hell" is the cause of spiritual "Death", being its carnal manifestation, whereas "Death" has no authority in the kingdom of God: God's commandment is to not touch the unclean thing and to separate oneself.
The "Earth" then is properly the four beasts about the throne of God, being here the elements from the "sun octal" {a,e,c,g}. The "Earth" is synonymous with the application of the now unrestrained action of antichrist reveald in the opening of the first four seals. Also in view is the unsealing by octal reversals of the four choices for unity corresponding to a particular static subgroup in the right hand. We may assume that those in the "Earth" include both the living in Christ as well as all else whom dwell on the earth.
That the spirits of Death and Hell have power over the fourth part of the Earth show that they have the physical ability to instantiate the pale horse numbered 666. "Hell" fills the gap left by the contradiction in the "Death" spirit's method. "Hell" is then actually both seducer and seduced, "Death" becomes the inheritance of those whom dwell in the spirit of "Hell".
Likewise then we associate the spiritual devices of Death and Hell with the descriptions in the text concerning the sixth and fifth trumpets respectively. We also see that the "Death" Spirit is named "Wormwood."
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