 The Army Of The Horsemen
Whereas the number of the horsemen is derived elsewhere in this site, we may at least show what is meant by the imagery in the passage.
First, some maths.
We will examine the case where originally "a" is unity with [b,d,f] static; However we are going to examine the group of K4 subgroups with the intersection "a". We start with our "euphrates octal" {[a,b,c],[a,d,e],[a,f,g],[b,d,g],[b,e,f],[c,e,g],[c,d,f]}
We note that whether we have [b,d,f] static in the sun octal or [c,e,g] static in the euphrates octal we may choose a=1 and find the "lion of the tribe of Judah" that prevailed to open the seals. i.e: the K4 ultrafilter:
a = (a,b,c)
b = (a,d,e)
c = (a,f,g)
Now as b=>d=>f in the "sun" and b=>d=>g in the "euphrates" we see that frobenius on both these octals indeed fixes this K4 ultrafilter although it is not a subfield of GF(8). Clearly the frobenius map has sent b<=>c in this K4 structure but not the octal. Both the sun and euphrates octals are paired with this K4 ultrafilter. In the octal we actally have in "the sun":
g = (a,b,c)
c = (a,d,e)
e = (a,f,g)
...and in the euphrates;
d = (a,b,c)
f = (a,d,e)
b = (a,f,g)
So we get a little confused between the two in the K4 ultrafilter. (such a simple transposition between these last two cases with the same octal is not possible.)
So, these horsemen have "breastplates of fire, jacinth and brimstone" Their defence is to use the same seven cycle as the sun octal: (the fire is actually to use the fire as "from the altar" present in the groups {[c,e,g],[c,d,f],[b,e,f],[b,d,g]}) to "release the restraint" and they have the same structure as the sun octal in their "jacinth" part or as a part "blue as water" in {[a,b,c],[a,d,e],[a,f,g]} Brimstone however is associated with the reward for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and in view here is the shared corruption of the octal seen in mimicry of the K4 ultrafilter as part reason/part excuse for perpetuating this wider octal.
The use of the K4 ultrafilter to make "brimstone + fire = smoke" with a =1
a = (a,b,c) (fire) (unity)
b = (a,d,e) (smoke) (x)
c = (a,f,g) (brimstone) (x^2)
in partitioning the octal as below this leads to the view of the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" as arrayed in the form of a row (of horsemen) or as a "serpent" or its tail.
The "head" or element "a" resembles the lion of the tribe of Judah, being the mouth of the "serpent" horseman above,. Out of the mouth issues fire smoke and brimsone, namely the remaining elements (bc), (de) and (fg) paired with "a". We may associate the "head" with a(bc). Likewise the tails also have heads a(fg) etc. with them they "do hurt."
So how do these hurt? They actually agree with the sun octal on nothing except the "Lion of Judah". However they indeed agree on the K4 ultrafilter without the octal: They have no agrement on the octal itself other than on the person of Jesus. The possibility that Christ was raised is not attested to by agreement on the K4 filter, since it is an excluded principle in both octals.
This spirit then is one that excludes the resurrection (even the death) of Christ as an absolute: it is "taken off the table" leading the believer in the sun octal stuck with the requirement to attest to it. Jesus again showed the way with Pilate - He kept His mouth closed and answered him nothing.
By agreeing on the K4 filter only, they agree on the idea that death, whether of men or of God is just as real: but it is used as a tool to make death less of a matter for concern: that the willingness to die for ones belief should lead to the test of that in the individual. These serpent spirits are used in the sense that they have the power to kill - whereas the locusts simple take the spiritual middle ground - that anything that does not end in death is a good thing, whether "of God" or "of the world." (They are lukewarm.)
So, the serpents meet in agreement with God on the grounds of "Death", (The last three seals). "Hell" however meets with "Death" on the grounds of furthering the mystery of iniquity. We can then begin as others to equate the "Death" of these serpents to "antichrist" in taking the cross of Christ out of the equation, and the locusts as those "false prophet" spirits that weave the believer into compromise with these serpents. In this fashion the oil "not hurt" is the doctrine of the cross simply bypassed altogether by the serpents; and the "wine" at every place on the table is as under the locusts: They assert that the five refining churches are a closed self-justifying system: there need be no seeking God elsewhere.
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