
The Heart Of Mystery Babylon - A Cage For Every Bird

Now the result that the heart of the woman riding the beast is actually the dialectic process (as instantiated by the agency of the false prophet) as the image allows us to show that 666 outside of Christ is equivocated to the 660+6 system of the woman (the image).

We need to count pairs of bows in order to choose an adequate thesis and antithesis. Clearly a single bow on its own may be chosen from amongst the full 35 in each set of seven symbols, 7 of which are in the right hand octal and may not be counted as amongst the 666 outside of Christ. Then we may choose 4 sets in partition under modifying the seven cycles having used our transpositions as per the serpents of the sixth trumpet. In essence we set one subgroup to be static out of seven (in the right hand generalised), then we have four choices of unity. Equivalently, we have seven choices of unity in the remaining "bows". Excluding static subgroups in the right, we have 28/7 = 4 such bows in each octal.

There are six octals containing each bow, and we need to count the sets that contain one or exclusively the other, There are two copies of the first bow in the second set, giving us a total of ten rather than 12.

28/7 * 10 = 40

Lastly we note that there are four possible bows to each choice of unity - but we are here (conjugating upon our) choosing two of those four, giving us a factor of six, which we must halve because by the same choice we also count the pair left over.


28/7 * 6/2 * 10 = 40*3 = 120

So, one bow corresponds to our "thesis" and the other to our "antithesis" (g and g^-1 with which we conjugate on A5.) Each bow therefore allows the "heart" which processes the sensual input of the carnal engine formed to represent every element of S5 in the senses to one of these polar opposites. Each choice of bow pairs acts, as it were multiplicative inverses in the logic of the mind in the dialectic process.

We also have the remaining 120 elements that we excluded from our count. We divide this set in two, as like to inverses also (but to use as they were cosets). Then we may approach one and exclude the other as to whichever the "heart" finds to be positive or negative. In effect we have 240 elements, 120 split to each side and then each set of 120 split again into inverse pairs. The heart places the inverses as pairs of elements in conjugation, and may do so rearranging truth and falsehood on the basis of pleasure only. The last 120 form the group A5 and its coset.

That, essentially is the extent of the heart. It will as a pair of "false balances" separate out those properties in its environment which it finds most pleasing. The dialectic process itself is so as to camouflage this carnal desire to gratify oneself with a thin shroud of logic.

There is no reason to stop there, the use of transposition in the dialectic process itself allows the "heart" to substitute the mind under conjugation as a (A5) subgroup in A6. In doing so one finds that there are six such sets where the "mind" of the woman riding the beast (the process itself) may be substituted for a sense and the process itself repeats under conjugation in a similarly absorptive way in and amongst the A5 subgroups in A6, as if the senses were in agreement with the dialectic.

In that manner in A6 the mind claims some sense of completeness over the senses, though in actual fact the senses were made to rule over the mind by the process. The result? A warm and fuzzy feeling, totally dissimilar to the serpent's promise of "becoming as gods".

A cage for every unclean and hateful bird? That is the judgement of the scarlet beast in revelation: It makes sense then that the city itself or S5 when it is complete is a structure that separates out sinful pleasure from Godly righteousness. The latter may not be present in the former as an institution.

When the cage is properly shut and the beast judged, it may be said that those positive properties the heart finds so appealing will be quickly replaced with torment under the same scorpions and serpents that those within (and that practice the dialectic) have preferred over the Spirit of God. There will be little pleasure in false promises then with no escape possible. The heart of the woman will not be able to approach pleasure ever again.

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