
660 or 666? - The Image with life.

The four beasts before the throne correspond to the four horsemen with the bows {c,e,g},{a,e,g},{a,c,g},{a,c,e}. (Given [b,d,f] static.)

Using a balance of {c,e,g},{a,e,g},{a,c,g} with {a,c,e} as the pale horse, (in that case "g" is unity then), Excluding the pale horse shows that if the set {c,e,g} is the "balance" then "a" is unity or oil, and "g" the wine. 'g' can not be both oil and wine,.. the dialectic device is not consistent.

We may by choice of balance (without the pale horse) uniquely derive the oil and the wine from the behaviour of the balances. If we lighten the balances by our unity (oil) - (say "a" drops out or is absorbed) providing a synthesis of {e,g} and {c,g} = {c,e,g} Then we are effectively using "g" as that which is agreed upon. If the objection is made against the element "g" being valid then we can switch to another balance.

In effect it is possible to flip-flop between which 'pale horse' to use. To switch from "a as oil" and "g as wine" to "a as wine" and "g as oil" is a simple manoeuvre of the facilitator. Likewise if any further objection is made, then a new thesis, say "c as oil" and "g as wine" can be suggested. The idea is to go in circles with a double-minded stance, all the while painting the person or source of the objection as less of an intellectual, whilst the facilitator ruminates those present on the same closed system. In effect the objection to the process itself is made when the facilitator is shown to have rejected all of the four premises a,c,e,g. We see this in the passage of the two witnesses.

We have six ways to choose a pair from four elements. (In effect we find six transpositions) namely (a,c),(a,e),(a,g),(c,e),(c,g),(e,g). These transpositions are actually used as the modus ponens and modus tollens of two facts, our "oil" and "wine". When you spot these, you are in every way treading on the serpents and scorpions, and have all the weapons needed to counter the dialectic. We must learn to do this if we are to remain awake. The facilitator will react to the objection that "a does not entail g" with the statement that perhaps "g entails a". Or he will introduce "c" in the place of "a" etc. We are instructed not to "hurt" these elements "a,c,e,g" but to object to the process itself by countering these transpositions, or as if they were modus ponens and tollens.

Not hurting the elements would be not to switch oil and wine then, which is to make an objection using the process itself - rather we should point out that oil => wine is not true - that the facts do not imply either the thesis or antithesis, and certainly not the synthesis. We have to attack the dialectic logically. Also hurting not the oil or wine is the goal of the 666 system - that the carnal man being processed by the dialectic will not choose the oil that is a painful fact and will prefer the wine that is the pleasurable consensus. We approach pleasure and avoid pain.

The facilitator has these six flip-flop actions to his armoury against the absolute truth that his process is flawed. If these can be eliminated one by one then there is revealed the fault in the process itself. Still the facilitator may direct the person being processed to adhere to one of the four premises as "fact" (wine following from oil), when there is no basis for it. The process of the factoring down of S5 to A5 within S6 (giving 660 elements) is in place whilst these six transposition conditions are examined. The result is that the diaprax process itself adds these six states for the antichrist upon those sensual 660, giving the life in the image as that of the mind for the man - a total of 666.

The pride of life will ensure that the six A5 subgroups in A6 carry the decision of the dialectic mind or "heart" as if it were logical. It is important to note that in the image system the six thesis-antithesis pairs of the dialectic mind are each the two horns of the false prophet - the "righteousness of the scribes and pharisees" (the synagogue of satan as a source of leaven) and for each transposition "one member of the laodicean conglomerate." The second horn is the "beast" government that sets the declining standard: before (apart from) the first beast the false prophet sets up the image system from which a church gets its "definition" in laodicea. This laodicean construction is the scarlet beast and the image (the woman riding it) or equally the "Church" is indistinguishable from it, so the authority of the first beast is employed by the false prophet to construct the scarlet beast. The laodicean churches form along with the synagogue of satan this image under the devices of satan. The two horns of the false prophet are false doctrine (sham righteousness) and the beast's declining standards (sham authority.)

We note the false prophet has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The authority of the first beast is the freedom it permits. Religious freedom is used to the false prophets purpose, that all-inclusion in the scarlet beast be the norm. freedom to assemble becomes freedom to worship becomes "the government lets us pray". The freedom offered in Christ is counterfeited in the false prophet because the declining standard of the government(s) that grant the false prophet spirit its "freedom" (in the text, "authority") knows no bottom. In Christ, freedom must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees and knows no upper limit in Him .

We show as conjugated the group A5 through the group A6 to show that the synagogue of satan as the source of leaven is "structurally compatible" in the image system as were it swapped with any of the five laodicean churches, the doctrine becomes carried and accepted by all. If one church accepts false doctrine then under the image system so do they all until they are stripped of every shred of righteousness they once had in Christ.

The "balance" as put forward is that which is varied across the fixed senses of the man being processed. Whereas we might like to think of 6*660 rather than 666 elements we must admit that the same senses are receiving the same six elements, and are not different sets of 666 elements on the senses: the number is "of the man" or of the man's perspective as much as it has a sensual representation in the factoring to A5.

So Why S5? It is a (perhaps not such a...) coincidence that A5 is the smallest finite non-abelian simple group. (It has no proper prime order cyclic factors other than a simple transposition). We must also admit that likewise A6, A7, A8 etc are also all simple groups. (of S6, S7, S8 etc) and are all factored down from their symmetric groups by a simple transposition. The process then works on the basis of an environment where not just the senses are pleased, but a greater group can be organised into a single paradigm under this process. (Although what an arbitrary and inanimate set of corporations would find pleasing is up to debate. The love of money is indeed the root of all evil.)

Then 660 elements act upon the senses, and the mind is acted upon by six choices of two from four elements. The mind in deciding for itself good and evil or true and false then decides on the basis of shifting x as oil and y as wine to y as oil and x as wine. Whether the assertion is made from inferring x=>y or y=>x, the decision is made purely upon the sensual drive of the individual rather than logic: There is no logical "fact" in the process (which is itself flawed) directing the individual to move from 'pain in x' to 'pleasure in y' as if x=>y.

"Not hurting the oil and the wine" would correspond to simply feeding the itching ears of the crowd in the room for a sensual agreement of what is pleasing to the group. The process of the dialectic is to always move the senses of people towards pleasure without logical objections that 'x does not entail y', because if x is a fact or a truth that is hard to handle, simply ignoring x as "oil" to be absorbed does not make y a wise decision, it is "wine" and the world has been made drunk with it.

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